Chapter 6

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Elena and Kali had flown back to the oracle's island on Skylar, entering the nest. 

"Uh, should I wait out-" Skylar asked the girls, hesitating to come in with them. But before the jaquin could finish his sentence, the door had already closed on him. 

Kali and Elena watched as the blue flames rose up in the fire and Quita Moz appeared. 

"Welcome back, Elena and Kali" the sunbird greeted them. 

"Uh, you can put her over there" he then said, referring to Marimonda as he pointed to one of his empty shelves.  

Elena placed the jar up on the shelf, knowing it'd be safe here where Marimonda would never escape again.

"Thank you, Quita Moz" Kali told the sunbird oracle. 

"That illusion power really came in handy" Elena added with a smile. 

The elderly sunbird chuckled. "I had a feeling it would"

Suddenly, the blue fire erupted with great force making Quita Moz become lost looking into the flames as he felt a great disturbance. 

"Quita Moz? Is everything okay?" Kali asked the sunbird in concern. 

"What's going on?" Elena asked also. 

The flames soon died down as Quita Moz looked to Elena. "Something is coming for you, princess" he explained to her. "A darkness, rising out of the shadows. You will be tested, and if you do not pass this test, you will never be crowned queen of Avalor" 

Elena gasped in great shock upon hearing this.

"What are you talking about?" Kali asked the sunbird. 

"The flames spoke to me," Quita Moz replied. "About Elena, about her future"

"But what test?" Elena asked. "What darkness?"

"That the flames did not say" Quita Moz told her. "But you must prepare yourself, Elena"

"You must be ready for whatever is coming" The sunbird oracle warned the Latina princess.

Elena was now overfilled with worry. What could possibly be the darkness she'd have to face in order to become queen of Avalor?...

"Um, Quita Moz?..." Kali then spoke up. 

The tomboy apparently had her own question for the sunbird before they left. 

"I was wondering, since you know so much about my crystal... do you happen know by any chance who gave it to me?" she asked curiously. 

The elderly sunbird just gave the adventure girl that knowingly look before replying. "That's for me to know and for you to find out"

Kali just chuckled with a smile as she looked up at Quita Moz. Things never came easy in life. 


The whole gang had come back to Vallestrella to witness King Verago proclaim Nico, Avion, and Ciela official guardians of Avalor. 

"Nico, your mother would be proud..." Verago told his youngest son before turning back to Skylar. "Of both of you"

Skylar smiled while Elena and Kali both hugged him, as this was a cause for celebration. The jaquins all started flying around together in the palace to celebrate this momentous occasion. 

Although Elena was happy, she still appeared worried about the darkness Quita Moz had warned her about. 

"Elena, are you okay?" Teeders and the other adventure kids asked, taking notice of the princess's discomfort. 

"You don't look so good" David mentioned. 

"He's right," Mateo told Elena, coming up to her in concern. "You've been distracted since you got back from the oracle" 

"I'm... just a little tired" Elena covered up. "That's all". The princess knew there was no reason for her friends to know about this darkness right now. 

"Hey, Mateo," Elena soon asked her royal wizard. "Um... don't stop giving me advice, okay? I think I'm gonna need it" she said. 

"I'll always be here for you, Elena" Mateo told his friend. "No matter what"

"And so will we!" the adventure kids all smiled at the Latina princess. And that was a promise. 

"Come on, everyone!" Skylar soon told his human friends to join them in the celebration. 

The gang all smiled as they hopped on the jaquins and took to the skies. 

"For Vallestrella!" King Verago shouted. 

"For Avalor!" Everyone then shouted out with him. 

The adventure kids all cheered in victory while flying on the jaquins as this had been yet another fun adventure completed. 


Meanwhile back in Avalor, Victor and Carla had arrived at an old cabin hidden deep in the jungle. They entered where a mysterious woman, who was an old friend of Victor's was waiting for them. It turns out Marimonda had only been a diversion for the gang to lead them astray to what was really important. 

Victor gave the jewel he had gotten in Vallestrella to the mysterious woman which had magical powers, restoring her youth. 

"You did well, Victor..." the woman soon said. 

The mysterious woman then stood up, stepping out of the shadows revealing to be... Shuriki!

The evil power-hungry sorceress was back, ready to take her revenge on Elena and her friends. And once her powers were fully restored, Avalor would soon be hers.

But that's a story for another time...

*evil laughter*


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