Chapter 2

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The next morning, the adventure kids were gathered with Elena in the meeting room discussing with the grand council on Elena's first successful year in ruling the kingdom. 

"Okay, so it hasn't always been smooth sailing" Elena admitted to her grandparents, Naomi, and cousin Chancellor Esteban. "But the kingdom is safer, and more prosperous than ever"

"And we couldn't be more safe with Elena's scepter powers" Kali added. 

"And us!" Brock and Ann cut in boastfully, since the adventure kids had helped Elena save Avalor many times before.  

"I mean, I know it's not that hard to do better than a wicked sorceress" Cynthia then mentioned as what was meant to be a joke, laughing a little while Esteban gave her that look. 

Elena then cut back in. "But all things considered, I think it's been a pretty good year" she said. 

"The grand council disagrees" Francisco replied. 

"You do?" Elena and Kali both asked, frowning. 

"...It's been a great year!" Francisco soon stated. 

Elena smiled back at her grandfather. 

"You have ruled well" Francisco told his granddaughter. 

"With the help of the grand council, of course" Esteban added in while the adventure kids just rolled their eyes playfully at him. 

"And you will continue to rule great!" David told Elena. 

"Elena Castillo Flores," Luisa came forward with this golden medal and placed it around Elena's neck. "The council awards you this Medal of Honor for all you have done for Avalor in your first year as crown princess" 

"I'm proud of you, mijita" Luisa smiled at her granddaughter. 

Elena's sisters, Carmen and Isabel, and all her other friends came to her and applauded for her. 

"Way to go, Elena!" the adventure kids cheered for the Latina princess. 

"Well done, sis" Carmen told Elena. 

"Congratulations, Elena" Naomi told her best friend. 

"Thanks, Naomi" Elena smiled. "I have to say, I think I finally got this ruling thing down" 

"Which is good because you only have to wait three more years until you're queen" Teeders mentioned. 

The adventure kids soon heard music come on as Elena started singing about all her successes she's had during her first year in ruling Avalor. 

"In my first year of rule I've made some mistakes" Elena admitted while singing. "But I learned from each one, now I've got what it takes. Being in charge is hard but with all I've seen, I've figured it out and I'm prepared to be queen~" 

"There's blue skies ahead. Our kingdom safely led. I know what it means to wear the crown! So put your doubts aside. We're in for an easy ride. Because I've finally got it down!~" Elena sang. 

"Yeah! You got this Elena!" the adventure kids all cheered and supported her. 

"It's good to be confident, Elena, but there is always something more to learn" Francisco advised his granddaughter.   

"More?" Elena said. "But I've already seen and done so much"

"That's right!" Kali agreed. "Just look at all she's accomplished"

Elena then went around, giving examples to her family and friends while she continued singing. 

"Duendes gone, bye-bye, farewell! Made sure that moth fairy was repelled! Evil wizard, I broke his spell. Even those jewel thieves were expelled!"

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