◇ Chaper 2: part 1◇

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Roman's POV

Roman hated it. He hated that he was popular. It sounds ridiculos, and he agrees to it. Some people spend there Highschool years trying to be popular, and him has it since he enterd on the gates.

Don't get the wrong ideea: Roman didn't mind the attention he was getting, he would die for attention, but it makes difficult for him to keep his secret...well, secret.

He was gay. Only two of his friends know about it: Logan, the nerd of the school, and Remy, the bad boy. His only true friends. True, Logan can be boring and Remy annoying sometimes, but they are great friends.

Another thing Roman hated about popularity is bullying. Aparentlly, there is an unwrited rule of the school: Bully or begin bullyied. He hated begin a bad guy, so he only do that to specific people.

And like that we get to the third reason he hated popularity: he had a crush. 'Awwwww' you must be thinking. But it wasn't so simple. His crush wasn't neither popular or strong enought to not get bullyied, like his friends. He was....


Roman hated himself that he fell for someone like him. A villan, a nightmare, an wierdo, an emo...

His princess

'Wth brain' he trought. 'First off, he is a guy. Next, he is forbbited to fall in love with as someone as me'

But maybe only cause he was forbbited he wanted him so bad....

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