Missions (Chapter 8)

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Also I know the picture is sucky so don't tell me XD.

Part four of four

Kirishima's P.O.V

I sat down on the bed and glanced around at our work. We had set up similar to the last job, rope, Bakugo had grabbed a chair from downstairs, and we had the weapons and medicine that we needed to complete this.

Our orders were on standby on the matter of killing this double crosser, we would simply injure him enough to scare him.

We hoped.

Weight fell beside me and I looked over to see Katsuki give me a small smile. He let his guard down so much around me.

I leaned on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Ei, I can take the work if you want. You can go somewhere else..." He offered, patting my cheek.

"No babe, I wanna take this one into my hands. I need to know if I'm going rogue." I responded after a moment of tense silence.

Kat simply nodded and pulled my face back from his shoulder. He kissed me lightly and I smiled against his lips.

He ran his tongue along my bottom lip to ask for permission and I opened my mouth, wrapping my arms around his neck.

The blond and I made out for a good five minutes and when we pulled away we were breathless.

My eyes fluttered open and I pushed my mouth against his again, moving to sit in his lap. That's when we heard the jingle of keys. A door clicked shut downstairs and I pulled away quickly.

Kat nodded and I stood up quietly, grabbing the rag and chloroform.

Footsteps sounded from the staircase and I slid behind the door, waiting as Katsuki slid into the closet on the far left of the bed.

Someone coughed right outside the door and my muscles tensed as I waited.

The lights flicked on, and the door began to close.

I pounced, throwing myself onto the man and activating my quirk as I threw the rag to his nose. He writhed in my grip, which made me hold him tighter. Seconds went by and he began to get weaker, his head falling as he went unconscious.

"Good job shitty hair." Bakugo walked out of the closet and took the man from my arms.

I stared at the unconscious boy with disgust.
"I'll have no problem handling him, this fucking prick deserves it." I growled, taking the rope and tying him to the chair.

After about a good twenty minutes (A/N: don't know how long chloroform lasts), Monama opened his eyes and looked around.

I had him seated a couple feet away from the bed where I was perched.

"Sup fucker," Bakugo called from where he was leaning against the wall.

"So this is where you ran off to Kirishima. Never took you for the traitorous type. And running to Bakugo...guess you really never got over looking for him huh?" Monama sneered, his tone cold.

Katsuki gave me a questioning look and I felt my cheeks heat up slightly.

"Aw look...how disgusting. Bakugo why do you like this bitch?" The annoying blond looked over his shoulder and Bakugo smirked.

"Well he's hot, he's strong, he can blow really well, he's smart, I could go on..." Bakugo tapped a finger as he went on listing more.

My cheeks heated up more and I shot a small glare in the direction of Kat. He winked in response.
Damn you.

Monama scoffed and I turned my glare to him.
"Oi Bakugo, pass me the knife would ya?"

He nodded and pushed off the wall, walking to get the knife from his bag.

"So Monama, I know how your quirk works, as long as you don't touch me you'll be stuck here without a quirk to use."

His jaw clenched and he jerked forward in his seat.

"Ah ah ah, calm down asshole. You try anything on him and you'll be dealing with my ass." Bakugo said, wrapping an arm around my waist as he passed me the knife.

I smirked at Monama and kissed Katsuki on the lips for a second.
"Alright babe, sit down and watch the show."

My boyfriend nodded and sat back in the bed as I crouched down so I was level with Monama.

I pressed the knife to his chin and tilted his head to look at me.
"You'll listen to me, and be good correct?" I raised an eyebrow.

He growled and nodded, clenching his fists.

"Good! Where should I start? Maybe your hands? That's sounds fun...No I'll save those for later. How about a little contest of how many cuts you can take before you say stop." I paced as I spoke, and on the last sentence I spun to face him.

The boy shuddered and I pranced over, gripping the knife in my hand.

I raised it towards his jaw and he tilted his head away from it, closing his eyes.

"You said you'd be good, let me work," I hissed, narrowing my eyes.

He gulped and closed his eyes more tightly.

I began to work, hearing him hiss in pain each time the blade broke skin. The sounds of pain only made me work harder, and I realized something.

I really am going rogue.


Bakugo walked up behind me and kissed my earlobe lightly. I leaned back into his chest and he took the knife from my hands, tossing it towards the closet.

Monama was unconscious in front of us, his head slumped forward as his breath came out in small gasps. His blond hair was stained crimson from blood soaking in and cuts adorned any visible surface of skin.

"Damn babe, didn't know you had it in you," Kat chuckled, his breath warm against my ear.

I shivered and he wrapped an arm around my chest, which I grabbed as I felt my knees go weak.

Mind you, I wasn't mad at myself for anything, I was simply tired.

"How about I help you shower and we head out. You can sleep in my bed." He suggested and I nodded slowly, tilting my head back and kissing his cheek. (A/N: Katsuki is almost two inches taller than Kirishima in this because this goes off his character sheet.)


Kat lead me through the doors of HQ and we walked through the bar. I clutched his arm and we heard a giggle from Toga as we passed her in a barstool.

"I see you two got close, I knew this would happen." She giggled again and Kat flipped her off, continuing forward.

I blushed at her words and trailed behind the explosive blond boy.

When we reached his bedroom I curled up beside him, my head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my temple.

"Night Ei."

"Night Kat."

Mk there goes chapter 8 for all you lovelies. I'll be back soon with chapter 9, and I might start working on a schedule. I'll be posting another "story" that is basically updates from me instead of doing author notes here.

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