When they first see you

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              A/N: Hey. I don't own Hamilton or any of its characters. (Or this song). This preference is when you are first born. This is also in a modern AU.    

Y/G= your gender (also it's okay if your non-binary and stuff like that)

Y/N= your name

Y/F/C= your favorite color

Alexander Hamilton & Eliza

Eliza was going in labor. This wasn't good because the child was being born earlier than expected. He was pacing outside the room worried, hoping, and praying that everything would be okay. Soon, after 4 hours of waiting, he heard a cry. The doctor poked his head out.

"Excuse me sir." the doctor said.

"Yes." Alexander replied, "Is my Eliza okay? Did the child live? How-"

His rambling was interrupted when the doctor said, "Your wife is just fine."

Alexander sighed in relief.

"In fact, she gave birth to two healthy children. One is a boy and one is Y/G. The boy is the older one though."

Alexander was surprised but, he wasn't complaining. Two kids! Even better, he thought.

After thanking the doctor, Alexander rushed in to see Eliza holding two children. She looked up and smiled at him.

"So, what are we gonna name them?" she asked.

"The boy, his name will be Phillip. And Y/G, what will we name them?

"Y/N." Eliza said, "Y/N."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful child." Alexander said.

Aaron Burr, sir

Since your mother, Theodosia, died when she was giving birth, you father was left to name you.

"Theo, what should we name them?" He asked your big sister, Theodosia.

"Hm... What about Y/N?" Theo suggested.

"Y/N. It's perfect."

He handed you to Theo as he took his wife's hand one last time. The room was filled with sorrow and happiness all at the same time.

John Laurens

John's wife is having a C-Section. They've wanted children for a while now, and you were their little star.  After debating (with Alex's help), he got to name you.

"Their name is Y/N." John said.

"Perfect." your mother said.

Soon after your birth, John put you in a turtle themed onesie.

Marquis de Lafayette (WARNING: GOOGLE TRANSLATE)

"Ç'est notre enfant?" Lafayette asked. (This is our child?)

"Oui." your mother said. (Yes)

He smiled because he would be able to teach you French, and his friends could teach you English.

"Though, I can't take care of her with you. Je suis désolé." (I am sorry)

"I'll take care of her." Lafayette said.

"Thank you." your mother said.

Hercules Mulligan

One rainy night, Hercules heard a knock at his door. He got up and answered the door. He saw one of the girls that he knew from his 'pre-revolution' days.

Before he could even say anything she shoved a Y/F/C blanket towards him.

As he looked at the blanket, he saw a infant and a birth certificate.

"Y/N" he repeated. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you. I promise."

Thomas Jefferson

He held you in his arm for the first time, and he instantly made a vow to protect you, and to make sure you grow up knowing that you were better than Hamilton's child.

James Madison

Unfortunately, your father was sick when you were born but, when he did see you, he wouldn't let you go.

George Washington

Your mother, Martha, gave birth to you, but, since your parents were divorced (and she didn't want to pay for child care), she allow him to help you grow up. She promised to visit every weekend.

Angelica Schuyler

She rocked you like it was the end of the world. She always wanted a child, and here she is. She vowed to do everything in her power to try to satisfy you with all your needs.

Peggy Schuyler

Her sisters tried to make sure that she would be okay taking care of her child as a single mother. Peggy is an independent, and strong woman. She was pretty sure she could take care of a child by herself.

Maria Reynolds

This wasn't supposed to happen. James and Maria never wanted kids even though they were married. Both of them were drunk and you can already tell where this is going. Lucky for her, he was okay with having ONE child.

But what she didn't know was that every night he would come home drunk because he never wanted a child.

So here she is. Holding her moms hand because James wasn't even there. Her anger made the labor go relatively quick.

Afterwards, he came bursting in the room.

"Maria! I'm so so SO sorry." he started. She put her finger up to quiet him.

"Do you even know how much this child means to me? You weren't even here to see your child!" she yelled. She had had enough with his games.

Their arguing went on for about 5 more minutes until the baby started crying.

"Y/N." James said.

"What?" Maria retorted.

"Y/N should be their name."

"You weren't even here for the birth of your child! So, I'm going to name them." she said.

Maria thought for a second and then she said, "Their name will be Y/N."

"Please forgive me Maria.." James pleaded.

"Okay James. I forgive you." she replied.
King George III

Your mother died at birth, making you the next queen/king when your father passed away. He would make sure you knew how to behave like a proper queen/king. He was also going to spoil you, like the king he was.

"Y/N," George said, "Y/N is a name fit for a queen/king."
Samuel Seabury

He looked at the child in his arms and was on the verge of crying. This is his son/daughter. HIS responsibility. Though, he wouldn't have to do it alone.

He burst into tears, being the softie he is. His wife looked at him very concerned.

"Honey, are you okay?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm just crying tears of joy. Our child is so beautiful." he said between sobs.

All in all, he used three boxes of tissues.

A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter! This took too long to write 😅. Again, I do take requests, and tell me if you want me to add Charles Lee.

Original: May 24, 2020
Edited: September 13, 2020
2nd Edit: April 25, 2021

Word Count:1075

Until next time..


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