just another stunt

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Harry was just sitting on their couch, his back resting against Louis' chest, eyes slowly closing and started to drift off, when Louis' phone rang. "Tomlinson?"
"What, like right now? You've got to be kidding me!" Harry was trying to guess what was pissing Louis off again, but his thoughts were interrupted by his husband's angry shouting. "Yes, I am with him right now and I have every fucking right to be with him! He's my husband, for god's sake!"

The person on the other end was talking quick and rather loud. "Okay, I'll do it. But I'll head back home after two hours, and no fucking second later!" Louis ended the call and started playing with Harry's curls again.

"Lou, what's wrong?", Harry asked. "Modest wants me to go out with Eleanor again. I'm so, so sorry baby, I know I promised that we'd have the day just for us, but I can't change it, they threatened to cancel my tour if I don't go out with her."

"You've got nothing to apologize for, honey, it's not your fault we're stuck with this shitty management. I love you",Harry tried to make his husband smile again. When it didn't work, he brought their lips together for a loving kiss. Louis smiles and tugged on Harry's curls, making him laugh slightly into Louis' mouth.
"Babe, I gotta go", Louis whispered, but he didn't let go of Harry's curls, kissing the green-eyed man once again. "Go, honey, they'll be angry if you're late", Harry sighed and pushed himself off Louis' lap.
"I love you so much, Hazza", Louis smiled before kissing the taller one goodbye.

After Louis was gone, Harry started to watch a movie, but he didn't really pay attention because he was too deep in his thoughts. He didn't understand why they couldn't just come out, they were living in the 21st century, it's not like there aren't other celebrities in this world that are gay.
He felt tears starting to form in his eyes because thinking about the bullshit they've been through always upsetted the man. Sighing, Harry grabbed his phone and logged into his instagram account to get a bit of distraction.

Instantly, thousands of mentions, messages and comments plopped up, but Harry was looking straight for Eleanor's account since he knew that she always had to post about being on a date with Louis.

As expected, she had a picture of her and Louis kissing in her story. Even though Harry knew they had to kiss for the paps, it was like a cut to his heart. Almost ten years of dating, nearly seven years of marriage, nine years of stunting, and still it hurt like hell to see his Louis with someone else.

Without noticing it, tears were streaming down the beautiful man's face. Seconds later, he started to sob. He knew that if no one was there to calm him down, he'd have a panic attack which always led into an asthma attack. He remembered that his inhaler layed in their bedroom, but this only caused him to cry even harder.

Normally Louis would be there to hug him, he'd play with his curls, whisper soothing words into his ear or sing one of the songs he's written for Harry. But Louis wasn't.

He grabbed his phone again and texted Louis. 'Lou, please come home, I need you.'  Harry desperately hoped for Louis to read his message and answer him, but the minutes passed and even after thirty minutes, Louis still hasn't answered

In the meantime, Harry still had troubles breathing. He knew that Louis was gone for about an hour and a half by now, so he should return soon, but he couldn't calm himself down. Eventually, he fell asleep, tears still streaming down his face.

Fourty minutes later, he woke up due to little stompy feet entering the house. When he heard Louis, his tears started to fall again and Harry tried to muffle his sobs. Louis came into the living room soon after and the sight broke his heart.

Harry was laying on their couch, snuggled into a fuzzy blanket, a half-empty tea cup on the table, hiding his fave in the blanket. Louis immediatly rushed to his husband's side, placing his hands on Harry's curls and whispered: "Oh Hazza, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, baby please look up, please, I love you so, so much."

Harry looked up, face wet from the never ending tears, and tried to smile and Louis, failing miserably. "Hi, Lou", he whispered, voice raspy from having cried to much.

Louis cupped his husband's face in his tiny hands and gently whiped his tears away. "Heeeeey love, it's alright, you're alright, I'm here now." Harry nodded, but didn't stop crying. "I know boo, I'm sorry for not being enough", his voice broke while saying the words he's been thinking ever since Louis left.

Louis hugged Harry quietly and said nothing for a while. Harry relaxed into the comforting hug, until Louis' words broke the silence.

"How could you think you're not enough? Baby, you're all I want, need and love. Nobody could replace you. You're perfect, everything about you. I love you, please don't forget this. I'm head over toes in love with you, don't put yourself down, Hazza" he told Harry, locking eyes with the broken man next to him.

Harry smiled slightly and kissed Louis like his life depended on it. Louis kissed him back passionately, and you couldn't tell which if the men needed the kiss more. "I love you", Harry whispered against Louis lips, "so much."

Louis smiled, kissing the taller one's temple in return, and readjusted his embrace around him.

They fell asleep like that, cuddling, small smiles on both their faces, because moments like these always showed them how much they actually needed and loved each other. And this feeling was worth everything else.

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I love you.

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