I love you

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What the fuck, thank you so much for 1,16k reads and 23 votes!!!
I love you all to infinity 🥺

It was a rainy day in London. Harry and Louis had eaten Harry's homemade pancakes for breakfast, and had made pizza for lunch. Now it was 2 pm and they were bored.

"Can I paint your nails, love?", Louis asked. Harry smiled brightly. He loved it when Louis painted his nails.

"Sure boo, you pick the colour. Surprise me!"

So Louis left to get nail polish, and Harry took a seat on their couch, texting Gemma.

Gems, I don't know what you're doing, but I wanted to check in on you. How are you?

She replied only a minute later.

Dumbass, we've facetimed only yesterday. I'm still good. Now go back to whatever my brother in-law and you were doing. Love you x

Harry laughed at the message. He loved his sister to bits.

"Whatcha laughing at, babe?", he heard Louis' voice from the living room door.
"Gemma's message. 'Get back to whatever my brother in-law and you were doing', what is she even on about?"

"Oh, you know your sister", Louis smirked. "And you and I both know most of the time she's correct with what she's thinking, love." His smile was now teasing.

Harry huffed. "Not my fault you're walking around like this!" Louis shook his head. "It's all your fault for wearing dresses and croptops. Have I ever told you how good you look in them and how proud I am of you for wearing them? I'm so so proud of you, you believe it."

Harry's face softened. He knew if it wasn't for Louis always telling him he should dress like he wants to, he'd still only wear skinny jeans in public. He liked it better that way and was so glad Louis gave him the confidence to embrace himself.

Louis knelt down in front of Harry and opened the nail polish.

"Is lilac okay, darling? I just thought it fitted to your hair at the moment", he asked sheepishly.

"I love the colour, Lou. Now go ahead and paint my nails", he demanded.

Louis gently applied the nail polish to Harry's nails, his long hair falling in front of his face.

He worked for a few minutes and Harry simply admired his beauty. He loved the way Louis bit his lip when he was concentrating, how his fair fell in front of his face, how his bright blue eyes were focused on the younger one's hands, the tattoos that peaked out from under Louis' hoodie, the ring on his finger...

"I fell in love with a beautiful boy and he still takes my breath away", he sang quietly.

Louis looked up, eyes shining with love, admiration and happiness, his expression soft, smile so big his eyes crinkled in the corners.

They looked at each other lovingly, minutes passing. They got lost in each other's eyes, both remembering their happy moments. It were small moments like this that they cherished the most. Simple moments filled with love.

After a while they broke their gaze and Louis went back to painting Harry's nails, smile still prominent.

Harry continued to sing the song he'd written for Louis so many years ago, actually written during a difficult time of their relationship, but that made it even more beautiful. It were his feelings and they hadn't changed in 10 years. They wouldn't change in the next ten.

When both his nails and the song were finished, Louis got up to bring the nail polish back.

When he got back, he was carrying two cups of tea in his hands. "Let's watch a movie, yeah? The weather's right", he suggested. Harry nodded, because it was something they did quite often. "Can I change first? I got nail polish on my white pants", he asked.

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