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This one's kinda long and sad, so get some tissues and snuggle under your blankets<3

Anyway,enjoy my loves<3

Harry stopped the car, grabbed the things he packed for Louis and got out quickly. He ran to the entrance of the hospital, wanting to be there for his husband immediatly.

When he opened the door to Jay's room, Louis was sitting in a chair, his hands holding his mum's. Lottie, Félicité, Pheobe and Daisy were cuddled up on the sofa that was placed near the hospital bed.

Dan was sitting in the chair opposite Louis', the twins placed in his lap.

Jay smiled at Harry when he closed the door, walking up to her and placing a kiss on her pale cheek before pecking Louis' lips. "I got your things, darlin'", he told the man in front of him. Louis only nodded, not being able to speak because he was trying to take in every single bit of his mum. He knew she wasn't going to make it until his birthday, but he so desperately wished for her to live.

The next day, Louis left the hospital room for an hour, because he wanted to record the song he wrote for Jay. When he returned, his mum looked paler than ever before. He rushed to the chair he always sat in and started to sing.

"If it all goes wrong, darling just hold on"

Jay smiled at him through her tears, telling him how much she loved the song. He told her it was nothing compared to how much he loved her.

After three more days, Jay looked practically dead. A nurse told Dan that 'she probably won't make it through the night' and to 'better start saying goodbye'.

So Dan told his kids and stepkids to hug their mum and tell her goodbye. Even though Jay was weak, she tried to say something soothing to everyone of them, starting with Anne who was there to visit her one last time. After hugging her friend one last time, Anne left the room.

Jay then gently took her youngest children from Dan's arms and cuddled them close to her chest, telling them how much she loved them and was always gonna look after them.

She then told Daisy and Phoebe to start their own company when they were older and how she hoped they were gonna have a good time at school.

Fizzy was told to start her own label and make her proud like she always did.

Lottie tried to be strong but terribly failed when she heard her mum tell her how beautiful she was and how she was the best make-up artist she knew.

Jay smiled at Harry and whispered "Make sure my baby keeps smiling, love. You mean so much to us. Love you."

Then she turned to talk to Louis, who cried silently.

"Boobear, just stop your crying, it's a sign of the times. I gotta get away from here. It'll be alright, Louis. Keep doing what makes you happy. Don't forget to smile. Take care of the kids for me."

Louis nodded, whispering "I love you mum, thank you, I love you" to her before bringing Jay's hand to his lips. "I love you too", his mum smiled slightly.

Then she kissed her husband one last time, whispering an "I love you" in the room before closing her eyes.

This was the moment Louis broke down completely, falling on his knees, hiding his face in his hands, sobbing uncontrollably.

Harry knelt down beside him, wrapping his arms around Louis' shaking figure.

They didn't know how long they sat like this. It felt like hours, but in reality, it was only five minutes before a nurse entered the room and covered Jay up with a white sheet before rolling the bed out of the room.

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