walking in the wind

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tw // Zayn leaving

I don't mean any harm towards Zayn, I love him.

"Harry, I need to talk to you."

"What's wrong, Zayn?", Harry asked through his phone. "Don't hate me please, and please don't blame yourself for what I'm about to say."

"Zee, what's wrong? You know I could never hate you, you're one of my best friends", Harry assured the distressed boy on the other end of the phone call.

It's 2 AM in the morning, and Harry has been woken up by his ringing phone. He left the hotel room because he knew Louis was asleep and he didn't want to wake him up. Right now he was sitting on the balcony, feeling the cold air of the night on his skin.

"Harry, I'm leaving One Direction." "Wait- why- how- You are what?? Why?" "I am leaving One Direction. I can't take it anymore, my mental health is wrecked. It's too much to take for me. I'm dying inside. I can't eat anymore. I don't get enough sleep. It's too much pressure. I don't wanna disappoint the fans but I need to quit in order to live. I-"

"Calm down Zee, you're freaking out. It's alright, it's your decision. Do what makes you happy", Harry interrupted Zayn.

"Thanks Haz", Zayn sighed, already feeling better. "I will explain why I'm leaving though, okay?"

"Yes please."

"Okay, so one point is because I almost never see Perrie. We have tour and they have tour, we barely ever find the time to meet up. If I quit, I can come visit her whenever I want to.
Second, I have so many problems with my mental health, I'm close to being depressed, I have an eating disorder, I don't get enough sleep. I can focus on myself if I leave.
Third, I absolutely hate management. They treat us like shit! Maybe they'll treat you better if I'm gone.
And I need to see my family a lot more. I could do this when I leave one direction."

"I understand. But please don't leave because I wasn't good enough!", Harry begged.

"I'm not. I'm leaving because I feel like I need it to be happy again."

"Okay, good. I get what you mean. But... ", Harry was scared to finish his sentence.

"Spit it out, Harry."

"But, like, we're still gonna be mates? I can still call you when I need someone to talk to? I can still talk to you when I'm drunk off my ass? You'll still visit us?", Harry asked, afraid of Zayn's answer.

"Harry, Harry listen. 'course we're still mates, hell, you're my little brother and the others are my best friends. We'll still do things together, you can still call me in the middle of the night when you' re drunk. You will find me in places that we've never been, where nobody can find me when I don't want them to. I'll be your anchor and keep you grounded, so you and Louis don't get lost in your paradise up there in the clouds. I'll be by your side, anytime you need me. I'm not leaving you, I'm just quitting fame, alright? And now go back to bed, you need your beauty sleep."

"Thank you, Zayn. Try to sleep, for me, okay?" Zayn laughed. "Will do. And now get back to bed before Louis worries!" And with that he hung up.

Harry sat there for a few minutes, trying to process everything he's heard just now. It was only then that he could feel the cold air on his skin, causing him to shiver. He couldn't find the will to go inside, though, he felt like he needed the air.

"Haz?", a tired voice called from inside the hotel room. "Where are you?" Damn, he'd woken Louis up.

He felt a warm hand being placed on his shoulder. "What are you doing out here, love? It's fucking freezing, come back inside, you'll catch a cold."

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