secret love song

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Here comes another one because I'm bored <3

Louis and Harry had written two songs for their fifth album, made in the AM.

Perfect, the one about how even if everyone said they wouldn't work out, they still are perfect for each other. The one that discribes all the things they COULD do, like have secret rendezvous, and the one that discribes the way they have to be in order to be together.

The one they were allowed to publish.

And then there was the other one, secret love song, the one that held so many emotions, the one that discribes all the things they COULDN'T do, like holding hands in the street, the one that 'would make it obvious if they sung it'.

The one they weren't allowed to put on the album.

It was by far the song that discribed their life the most. The one their fans would love but they would never play, just like they don't know about us. They did know the other songs they've written were for each other, but these two were just completely obvious.

Because of that, Managment forbid them to publish the song or even let anyone know they've written it.

So, they gave the song to Little Mix, the female 1D. The ones that were allowed to sing whatever the fuck they wanted to.

Little Mix made it one of their singles, singing it with Jason Derulo. He had written his own part, considering 'the song sounded too gay'.

But, Little Mix also made a second part of that song, the version Louis and Harry had written.

The one that held this raw emotion the girls could bring over to the listerners so perfectly.

The one both Harry and Louis always would cry if they heard it somewhere.

The one that was just like an outing.

The one they'd never sing for their fans.

The one that brought back so many painful memories while writing it.

The one that made them feel so vulnerable.

One of the best songs they've ever written.

The one that literally WAS them.

The one no one needed an explaination for, because it was just obvious what it was about. A secret love.

we keep behind closed doors, everytime I see you I die a little more,
stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls, it'll never be enough

It was true, though. Their love was kept behind closed doors. As soon as they reached the tourbus, hotel room, their familys' and their own home, they took off the masks they had to wear in public. The mask of being straight, in a relationship, a womanizer and heartbreaker, when all they were was married and madly in love.

Both of then died everytime they saw the other stunting. Their love literally consisted of stolen moments, kisses, touches, hugs, all hidden from their fans, from the public. But they weren't sure these stolen moments were enough to keep them going. Their love was worth everything, though.

as you drive me to my house, I can't stop these silent tears from rolling down
you and I both have to hide on the outside, where I can't be yours ans you can't be mine

This was nothing but the truth. They both remembered all the times Louis drove Harry to their home before having a 'romantic' dinner with Eleanor.

They had to be sepreated when in public, had to act as if they weren't together.

They hated it.

but we know this, we got a love that is hopeless

Their situation was hopeless.

why can't I hold you in the street? why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor?
I wish that we could be like that, why can't we be like that? 'cause I'm yours

Louis was so protective of Harry, because even though Harry was taller, he was his baby. When they were walking through huge crowds he just wanted to protect Harry from the crazy fans, like he protected him from everything else.

He wanted to wrap his arm around Harry's waist, wanted to dance with him whenever he wanted to, wanted to kiss him while slow-dancing in the clubs.

Why couldn't they be like every couple? They were just in love.

why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops
I wish that we could be like that, why can't we be like that? 'cause I'm yours

They aren't allowed to confess their love for each other publicly. They just wanted everyone to know.

it's obvious you're meant for me, every piece of you here just fits perfectly
every second, every thought I'm in so deep
but I never show it on my face
but we know this, we got a love that is hopeless

It was so, so obvious how much they loved and needed each other. However, they weren't allowed to show any emotion on their face that could be considered love.

why can't you hold me in the street? why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor?
I wish that it could be like that, why can't we be like that? 'cause I'm yours
why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops
I wish that we could be like that, why can't we be like that? 'cause I'm yours

Same story, from Harry's perspective. He wanted to be held by Louis, he wanted to kiss him when they danced, he just wanted to be his, visible for everyone. He wanted to shout 'I love Louis' audible for everyone.

I don't wanna live love this way
I don't wanna hide us away
Wonder if it ever will change
I'm living for that day, someday

They wanted to be together, but not like this. Not with Eleanor, Taylor, Kendall, beards in general and most importantly, Simon.

They didn't want to live behind closed doors and curtains, they wanted to live behind open windows, visible for everyone.

The hoped they could come out after their contract ended, but they weren't too sure.

when you hold me in the street and you kiss me on the dancefloor
I wish that we could be like that why can't we be like that? 'cause I'm yours, I'm yours

They dreamt about the life they could have if they could come out, where they were just like every other couple.

But they weren't.

Their love was a secret.

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