Ch 10- Melvin and Alec

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The next morning...

After breakfast, Kendrick and Twillow left for the visit he had mentioned the night before. He didn't tell the fae where they were going or who they were going to see but he was bringing along a basket filled with all kinds of produce.

Flying just over Kendrick's head, Twillow followed him as he leisurely waded through the forest. After awhile though, Twillow began to slow from fatigue. It almost felt like the air was heavier here in the Lower Realm and she couldn't fly as long as she once could. Eventually Kendrick seemed to notice her falling behind and stopped.

"Are you all right, Twillow?"

"Just a bit tired. Can we rest?" she asked, wings seeming to stutter with fatigue.

He thought a moment and contemplated something he'd never proposed to her. They'd lived together for almost three weeks and other than their first meetings he'd never touched her. But since she'd made notable strides in trusting him he decided to offer.

"Um...well..." He gently patted his shoulder, "Why don't you sit here? Let me do the walking."


"Sure. Come on." he patted his shoulder again.

Twillow flew over to him, trying to determine the best landing approach. Luckily, his shoulder was very broad so it offered ample space. With a delicate touch down, Twillow alit on his shoulder. Her feet sank into his skin which made her have to lean against his neck momentarily before sitting down. Kendrick barely detected the tiny presence but he felt so relieved by her acceptance.

"Ready?" he asked once he determined she was settled.


He took a step forward and Twillow gripped his shirt, riding the powerful surge forward. It almost felt like flying but with more force behind it. Eventually, she took in the rhythm of his stride and sat comfortably. It was a thrilling and interesting sensation to be riding on someone's shoulder; the powerful sway coupled with the impact of his steps shuddering through her.

She flit her wings with amusement. The sound made Kendrick's head flinch slightly.

"What? What's wrong?"

Twillow blinked, "Nothing. Why?"

"Your sounded like you were flying away." He mentioned.

"Oh. That. They sometimes flicker when I'm...amused." She sounded embarrassed.

Kendrick's mouth curved in a smile, "I amuse you?"

"I've never ridden on anyone's shoulder before."

He chuckled lightly, "I've never let anyone ride on my shoulder before."

Twillow then asked after a time, "So where are we going?"

"That's the third time you've asked."

"And that's the third time you've said I've asked. So, where are we going?"

His head turned slightly, "All right. We're going to visit my father."

"Your father?" Twillow couldn't hide the surprise in her voice.

"Yes. I visit him almost every week and bring him produce from my garden." He jostled the basket in his hand.

Twillow looked at him, "Why don't you live together?"

A deep knowing chuckle vibrated through her, "It's...a 'giant' thing."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well...we're both very strong, stubborn, and independent. When I was of age I just had an uncontrollable urge to strike out and gain territory of my own." He explained, "Don't get me wrong, I love my father. He's the only family I have, but we both agreed we couldn't live together without breaking that bond. Understand?"

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