Chapter 1

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James stood in the back of the room cradling the sleeping body of his son. He watched as his wife carefully stepped around the room, watching where she placed her feet so as not to disturb the ritual. 

James looked up as the ritual room door opened and Remus stepped in. A smile broke the serious look on his face. "Mooney, how are doing?" He walked over to his long time friend. 

Remus shrugged, watching Lily work. "Full moons tonight. Whats she doing?"

James looked sheepish. "That's. . . that's what we called you here for." Remus opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted. "Remus! It's good to see you!" Lily gave him a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. 

"Lil, whats going on here?" Lily looked at James. "Alright you're starting to get me worried. Tell me whats going on."

"Remus you know how you and Mooney reached an agreement." Remus snorted. "Yea, after two decades of work." He looked at the ritual on the ground. "What are you guys-"

"We want you to bite Harry."

Silence, then. . .

"WHAT?!" Remus looked furious. "You want me to bite Harry?! Care to explain why you want me to saddle him with this curse?"

James and Lily shared a look before James spoke. "Narcissa came by." He took a deep breath. "She told us the part of the prophecy that Voldemort knows. And. . . a few other pieces of information."

"Like what?" Remus growled out, his eyes flashing amber. 

It was Lily that spoke this time. "Where Grayback lives, that Peter is a traitor and that Voldemort plans to attack us next month."

Remus had a hard time breathing. "Peter. . . a traitor? How do you know that this is true?" 

"She swore that it was on her life and magic. She walked out of here as a witch."

Remus sat on the ground. "We have to change Secret Keepers! If Voldemort comes here Sirius will be blamed-"

"We can't Remus." Lilly crouched and rested her hand on his shoulder. "To change Secret Keepers would need permission from both parties. That would alert Voldemort to our plans."

Remus sat there for a minute, then looked at her in confusion. "Your plans?"

Lily stood up and turned back to her ritual. She stood tall and proud as she gazed upon her and James' creation. "It's no secret that the Potter family have always been close to the goblin nation. Or that they vote strongly for the rights of sentient magical creatures."

She turned back to look at Remus. James hung back and let her have her moment. "This is because the Potter family has been descended from magical creatures for as long as we have records for."

James spoke to his friend. "You remember my Grandmother right? Saisha Patil?" Remus nodded. "Her great grandmother was a Naga. Grandpa had some Veela blood in him." James smiled at his wife. "With the help of the goblins we where able to find a good twenty or so magical species that had intermarried into the Potter line."

"But how is that supposed to help Harry? And why do you need me to bite him?" Remus sounded frantic at that last part. 

James took a deep breath while Lily closed her eyes. "Remus we don't expect to survive this. We know Voldemort is going to come next month. Halloween to be specific. We know that we're going to die." James choked up looking down at little Harry. Lily finished for him. 

"This ritual is going to bring forth the inheritable traits of the all the magical creatures that we could find. But we need him to be a magical creature first, and well, since we don't know any Vamps. . ."

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