Chapter 6

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Standing in the doorway was a short kid, with thin blond hair that was slicked back with copious amounts of hair gel. He turned to the two gorilla like boys behind him and said, "Wait outside. I will join you in a second." They nodded and stepped out closing the door. 

The boy pulled out his wand and started waving it at the door. Once he was done he turned back towards the cabin. Neville was looking at him in disgust. "Draco-"

The kid, Draco, held up his hand. He started shaking his head no. "There's a rumor that Harry Potter is in this compartment." Harry narrowed his eyes at the kid. 

Something about him was off. The kid stood with confidence and power. The way he spoke was snobbish and he looked down his noes at all of them. His clothes where neat and appeared to be made of some very unique kind of silk. Everything the boy did spoke of a pampered upbringing but it was his eyes that held Harry's interest. 

His steel-gray eyes where looking directly at him the entire time. Harry could see an intelligence in his eyes that was in Hermione's own eyes. There was also a hint of defiance and a bit of fear. 

Harry spoke, "What can I help you with?" Draco reached into his robes and pulled out a letter. Handing it to him he said, "You will soon learn that there are certain people in our world who are superior to others." His eyes where trained on Harry the entire time. "I can help you make sure you don't choose the wrong sort." Draco waited exactly five seconds before turning on his heel and walking out of the compartment. 

Neville, Susan and Hannah where stunned into silence. It was Neville who spoke first. "That was. . . very unlike him." The other girls nodded. "How so?" Hermione asked. It was Susan who answered her. "I've meet him a few times at Ministry functions. He's said to follow the beliefs of You-Know-Who. But that entire conversation felt-" 

"Scripted?" Harry asked, looking up from the letter that he was given. "That's because it was." Harry started reading the letter out loud. 

Dear Lord Potter-Peverell, 

When we found out you where still alive I was ecstatic that a decade and a half of planning didn't go to waist. The first rule you will learn in the pureblood circles is that nothing is as it seems. This is especially true for my son Draco. 

I am Narcissa Malfoy nee Black. I am related to both you and your godfather. In public Draco will be your worst enemy. In private you shall be your greatest alley. Use him as your foothold into the House of Slytherin. 

He will meet with you in Classroom 4B on the first floor over the weekend. More will be explained then. 

I hope to keep in touch. 

I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

Narcissa Malfoy

Harry looked up from the letter at the other people in the compartment. Susan had a curious expression on her face, as if she was puzzling out a large problem. Neville had a similar expression to Susan. Hannah was just clutching Susan's arm and leaning as far away from the door as she could. Hermione was also looking around the compartment. 

"Well what do you guys think?" It was surprisingly Neville who spoke up. "Well it could be true. There are have been rumors for years that the Malfoy marriage is less than perfect. On the other hand those rumors could be false and made up by the Malfoys."

Hermione looked puzzled at that. "Why would they do that?"

"Well because rumors like these would most likely be passed around through the lighter pureblood circles to create the effect of being down and out. It's a sneaky underhanded tactic but it does work."

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