Chapter 11

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Harry leapt out of his chest, a large grin on his face. He looked around the dorm and smiled. It looked like it had been decorated overnight. There where strands of holly and mistletoe handing around the room. The small tree that stood in the corner was decorated with small glowing lights. Harry stood there for a while just smiling at all the decorations before heading down to the Great Hall.

"Happy. . ."

"Christmas. . ."

"Little Harrykins!" The Weasley twins chorused. Harry waved to them before sitting down at his table and made his plate.

The day passed peacefully for Harry with a massive snowball fight between the students who stayed behind. Harry ended up losing and getting pelted by the Weasley Twins. He laughed as the twins turned their rein of terror onto Professor Quirrell and chased him off with a barrage of snowballs to the back of the head.

After that Harry headed back up to his dormitory to take a shower before heading back to the Great Hall where he played a few games of Wizards Chess with the twins and their brother Ronald, or as he liked to be called, Ron. Harry was thoroughly surprised by how easily Ron beat him in chess and promised himself he would practice some more.

That night at dinner all five tables where replaced by one massive table in the middle of the Great Hall where the remaining staff and students gathered for dinner. It was there that Harry snapped his first wizard cracker.

He pulled a bunch with the Weasley twins and Ron and was able to convince Professors Dumbledore and Flitwick to crack one with him. Later that night as Harry was heading up to his dormitory to sleep away all the ham he ate, he was convinced that the Wizarding World was much better than the muggle one.

                                                                       The Wolf of Hogwarts

Harry leaned against the walls of the castle waiting for the carriages containing his friends. He watched the great black skeletal horses called Thestrals pull the carriages. He had even pet a couple as he was waiting but stopped when he caught sight of the looks he was getting.


Harry only just caught himself as a bushy brown missile rocketed into him. He wrapped his arms around Hermione and smiled. "Hello Hermione. How was your Christmas?"

His bushy haired friend smiled as she talked about her Christmas. As she was talking Harry greeted everyone else and dragged them all into the castle.

When they arrived to the Grand Staircase Harry jumped up on the railing and lept from staircase to staircase, causing everyone to groan. When they finally made it to the room where they celebrated their Christmas party everyone kind of split up into smaller groups and went off. Harry found himself sitting next to Draco.

He looked over at the pale Slytherin, taking the chance to ask a question that had been bothering him for a while. "Can I ask you two questions, Draco?" The Slytherin lifted a pale eyebrow.

"Why? Why chose to believe what you do?"

"You mean why do I chose to help you when I could just ignore everything my mother taught me and act like a good little Slytherin?"

Harry nodded.

Draco sat staring into the fire and for a second Harry didn't think that he was going to answer him.

"I can still hear my mothers screams. Every night when I go to bed I can hear her pleading for my father to stop. Every time she begs he just casts the Torture Curse again and again. I was six when my Mother was pregnant again. Mothers face would light up every time she talked about her unborn child. Years would seem to slip off of her."

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