Chapter 12

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Harry shot a stunner at Quirrell- or was it Voldemort?- and dived out of the way. Hermione copied him shooting a tripping jinx at the. . . Quirrellmort, Harry christened the monstrosity of dark magic standing before him. 

Unfortunately for both of them, Quirrellmort erected two Protego shields with barely any effort. Harry growled and shot a weak stunner at him, watching in shock as Quirrellmort just batted the spell away. 

Harry watched as Quirrellmort shot a dark purple curse at Hermione. He didn't think he just acted. 

Jabbing his wand at Hermione he chanted within his head, Protect Hermione, Protect Hermione, Protect Hermione. A ripple of air passed from his wand, striking Hermione and pushing her out of the way just in the nick of time. 

Harry spun around and bared his teeth, his Harry personality and his Nannar personality blending together as they both sought to destroy the person who would harm their beta. 

Harry cast all the spells he knew, but seeing as he was only three quarters of the way through the second year defense texts, most of them where school yard spells that Quirrellmort batted aside with relative ease. 

Harry was slowly forced backwards, dodging as many spells as he could. Never the less he ended up with two long gashes across his chest and right arm. Both where bleeding profusely and he was starting to feel faint from the lack of blood. When his back struck the wall of the Entrance Hall and he realized that he could go no further and for the first time in his short life, Harry felt scared. 

He waved his wand, ripples of magic flying from it as he tried to do some form of damage to Quirrellmort but nothing seemed to work. Harry was forced to try a rather draining spell that could have some bad side effects if done wrong. 

He'd found it in a fifth year defense book during Christmas break and had practiced it once or twice since then, but he was by no means proficient. If he screwed this up he had a very high chance of injuring Hermione. Harry gritted his teeth and shoved his magic through his wand, screaming the incantation. 


An arc of emerald green lighting sprang forth from his wand and struck Quirrellmort before the monstrosity could get a shield up in time. He flew back and fell to the ground with a sickening crunch. He was only down on the ground for a second but that was all the time Harry needed. 

Quirrellmort got up and was full body slammed by a werewolf, being flung back several more feet. Harry descended upon his former Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, using his claws and teeth to pull apart his body. 

Harry only vaguely heard the screams as he exacted the retribution he desired but for many in the Great Hall, teachers and students alike, those scream would haunt their nightmares for quite some time. 

Finally getting the curse undone, Dumbledore and several other professors hurried over to Harry and attempted to pull him off. It wasn't until Hermione laid her hand on his shoulder that he stopped. Harry whirled around to look at his best friend and it took all of Hermione's self control to not vomit at the sight of the blood dripping from his face and hands.  

Harry sprang forward with a sudden need to hold Hermione. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his head into the crook of her neck and cried. His body racked with sobs as Hermione rubbed his back. The professors made quick work of disposing Quirrellmort's body before turning towards Harry. 

They found him passed out in Hermione's arms, clinging to the girl like his life depended upon it.

                                                                       The Wolf of Hogwarts

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