Chapter 10

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Hermione didn't leave his side for the next couple of days and was constantly asking him if he was alright. He just reminded her that he has been shifting once a month since he was five. That only seemed to make her fret more. 

Some might have considered the constant hoovering and mothering that Hermione was doing to be annoying, and at first Harry did, but he eventually came to like it seeing as he's never had someone who cared enough to mother him. 

The weeks passed peacefully and where full of learning. Harry now knew for a fact that the teachers had seen him write in his personal language. He was slightly disappointed that they had done nothing about it though. 

Harry was distracted from this though with Halloween. He'd never truly participated in it, often just sneaking up to the houses that had an 'honor' system and taking the entire bowl with him. It was how he first discovered his love for chocolate. 

When he stepped into the Great Hall that day he knew that the Wizarding World was celebrating chocolate perfectly. The hall was filled with bats flapping around and Professor Flitwick was leading a team of fifth years in magically carving giant pumpkins. 

Harry was a little disappointed that he'd miss the Halloween feast tonight due to it being the night of a full moon, but he just shrugged it off and promised to be there for it next year. He also brushed off his friends instance to join him for this moon. He wanted to go exploring in the Forbidden Forest anyway and didn't want his friends to miss the feast. 

They eventually all agreed to stay behind- even Hermione, though she'd been the hardest to convince- and Harry made his way down to the forest. 

He looked up at the moon that was rising and carefully stripped down. He welcomed the feeling of the shift happening, no matter how painful it was or how insane he felt during it.

When he was done he stood on his paws, looked towards the moon and gave a long and happy howl.

                                                                       The Wolf of Hogwarts 

Hermione looked up as a long, deep howl split the night air. Conversation in the Great Hall came to an immediate stop as every listened. When it was done the chatter resumed, focused on one topic. The werewolf that was undoubtedly in the forest right now. 

Hermione looked for Susan and Hannah and saw them sporting ridiculous grins as they listened to the stories that their housemates came up with. She saw that Neville was in a deep discussion with the twins and turned around to see that Draco Malfoy was only just containing his laughter. 

The rest of the meal was passed without interruption as everyone enjoyed the feast laid before them. At least, it wasn't interrupted until Professor Quirrell came in with a fifteen foot mountain troll following him. 

Hermione watched in shock as all of the professors spells and some of the seventh years spells fizzled out before they reached the troll. The beast lumbered into the Great Hall and started swinging its club around, only managing to just miss some of the students. Hermione knew that no one would be able to take down the troll, so she did the one thing she always did when she was stuck. 

She called for help. 


                                                                       The Wolf of Hogwarts 

Nannar was running through the forest when he got a feeling of wrongness in his gut. He felt a pull towards Hogwarts, as if something bad was happening. 

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