Chapter 1

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10 Years Later (They're Sophomores in High School)

"What do you think our lesson is about?" Sophia's question from behind me jerks me out of my thoughts.

"Uhh... Ms. Wells said this unit's about elements so... the interdiction to elements?" I answer back turning to her. "Is that my dress Diana?" Sophia asks. I look at the long lemon and sun yellow dress and say, "Uhh... yes?" She chuckles, "I'm not the only light then."

That's true. Our wardrobes are slightly inspired by our elements. I can like light colors too! "Well, you wearing what you wore on Tuesday!" I say trying to make things even between us. "True." Sophia responds looking at her dark blue shirt and jeggings.

"Good afternoon class!!" A voice exclaims from behind me. I turn back around, Ms. Wells has started the class! "Good afternoon Ms. Wells!" The class exclaims.

Ms. Wells is the best social studies teacher, period.

"Today we are going to talk about the human elements!" Ms. Wells says. A few people cheer.

Sophia and I give each other a 'why am I here' look. After everyone cheers Ms. Wells starts talking, "The human elements,"

I start to not pay attention. I know all this, Martha told us everything.

"None known elements...... some think it's a fairytale..................the one thing scientists find interesting is there seems to be two magical people who both control fire and ice. They can inhabit any human and be a backup demon." Ms. Wells explains to the class.


"Ok! Class dismissed!" Ms. Wells exclaims. We all start to get out of our seats as Ms. Wells says, "Please try and study the elements, and on Friday you have an essay due on if you think the elements are real or not!"

We all leave the room an Sophia and I go to our lockers and we hear our friend, Carmen ask, "Do you want to go into the forest today?"

Carmen is a paler girl with dark red hair with forest green eyes. Today she's divided to wear her favorite forest and lime green striped dress with wide short sleeves and wearing dark red sneakers.

"There's a small place were we can talk about school." Logan our other friend says.

Logan has blond, messy hair and gray blue eyes. He also wears gold-yellow glasses. Today he's wearing a white shirt with one sleeve longer than the other. And dark blue shorts that go to his knees and light brown boots.

"Oh sorry, we told Martha we'd go with her to the craft store for our art project." Sophia says, lying. "Oh ok. Then tomorrow!" Logan says closing his locker. Once they both walk away I whisper to Sophia, "Arn't you good at lying." She chuckles and nods.

We get outside and Martha's waiting for us, wearing her usual lab coat. As we walk hone she says, "There's someone I'd like for you to meet." Sophia and I look at each other happy to meet new people.

We get home and see a girl at about teen age with red hair a bit lighter then Carmens, that fades to a pumpkin orange in a ponytail and a ice-blue highlight. She has one ice blue eye and a blind eye? Odd. She's wearing an ice blue tank top, with a black and white sweatshirt tied around her waist and wearing ripped jeans. She also has a snowflake hair clip.

"Hello," The girl says politely walking towards us, "My name is Roybin." "Are you a fire and ice element?" Sophia asks her voice shaking. Roybin stops in her tracks, "How did you know?" "We learned it in class today!" I exclaim trying to lighten the mood.

"Tell then why your here." Martha prompts.

"Oh yes, I'm here because my sister who looks just like me, but the fade on our hair is switched, has started rallying against me. And I need the help of the elements to stop her. We're both powerful but she uses her magic more than I do. The troops she creates, she genetically modifies humans and animals to work for her. Can you help me?" Roybin explains doing hand movements to show what's going on.

"Yes! Well totally help you!" Sophia and I exclaim. "Good! Martha, when can I start training them?" Roybin asks. "When ever you'd like!" Martha answers. "Except tomorrow! We're going to the forest with Logan and Carmen!" I quickly add. "Awesome." Roybin says beaming.


Word Count: 721 [Edited: Nov 13th]

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