Chaper 2

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"Roybin? Were are we going?" I ask as Roybin leads Sophia and I somewhere.

"You'll see!" Roybin answers. I groan. She never says the answer.

At least Roybin looks like a normal person. She gave herself a disguise of a milk chocolate colored girl and deep brown hair and hazel eyes. And a casual white T-shirt and gray leggings. Roybin brings us to a small mall in the middle of the town. For a Saturday, no ones there. She brings us to a small shop in the back of the store.

A younger looking girl with pale skin, light blond hair and light gray eyes. She looks up from something on or under her desk, smiles and says, " must be the elements!" She starts to walk towards a door on the other side of the room to Sophia, Roybin and I.

Sophia and I look at each other surprised. "Don't worry! Only people with magic can go into this shop. And, I gave the receptionist enough magic to go into the shop." Roybin reassured us following the receptionist to a door on the other side of the room. She waved us in and closed the door behind Roybin, Sophia and I.

In the room there's four models two represent me and the other two represent Sophia. One of each of us is wearing dark hoodies, and the other two... I don't know whats going on with them. It's a shirt with short armor-like sleeves with wrist guards. A skirt thing that has no sides so it covers only the front and the back with a belt. Lace pants that go a little past our knees and black boots with silver buckles. Sophia's is super light, and mine is fire colored but the red's lighter.

"Ooo. These's are interesting!" I hear Sophia exclaim next to me. "Thanks! I designed the second ones." Roybin explains, "The first ones if you flip the hood up you become invisible to everyone besides us three! And the second ones are fighting outfits. I put a special fabric on that's invisible, but strong."

"Can we try them on?" Sophia asks bouncing up and down. "Sure! Go ahead!" Roybin answers gesturing to the models. We try on the clothes and Roybin says the fighting outfits look good on us, all of us agree it's not our style.

As we walk home, we talk about who would be better at fighting and who looks better in the fighting outfits. It turned into a slight argument. We get home, have dinner, and go to bed.


My eyes flutter open to the darkness of our room and the boards of the bottom bunk. "What is it Roybin?" Sophia sleepily mummers. Her eyes are very good at adjusting to the dark. "Change into your invisible clothes and meet me in the mudroom." Roybin sighs with a hint of... sadness in her voice?

She leaves the room and I climb out of bed and walk to the dresser Sophia and I share. At least my eyes have adjusted to the dark by now. I grab the clothes and hand her pair to Sophia as we change out of our night clothes into our invisible clothes.

When we get to the mudroom Roybin is waiting for us in all black clothes. Martha was also there. "Why did you wake us up so early?" Sophia asks still a little tired.

Roybin pulls out her phone and opens something. Sophia and I go and look at her phone. A small conversation between Roybin and someone named 'Carl'.


Roybin! Claire's on the move towards you and Martha! Wake the others!


I'm on it!

What?! Claire is coming for us?! I think stepping away from the phone. Martha walks over to Sophia and I and gives us a hug "I'll see you two later." Martha whispers as she let's us go.

She walks to the couch and nods to Roybin. "Flip your hoods." Roybin commands using magic to make herself a disguise and turn invisible. We follow her command and flip our hoods up as we walk to the door.


Word Count: 671 [Edited Nov 13th]

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