i dedicated this nail to you when i painted them

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"I dedicated this nail to you when I painted them"

When Peter first met Morgan it had been bad circumstances.

Peter had still been wearing his suit, charred and ripped and bloodstained. He had bruises painted across his pale skin, blood still caking his forehead and matting his hair. The dirt that had been clinging to his skin had obvious tear-tracks down his cheeks.

He's been a mess, trying not to cry, red-eyed and shaking.

They'd met just outside of Tony's hospital room.

Pepper had been nearby, chatting quietly to one of the nurses about Tony's condition. He'd be okay, but it was likely it would be a while until he was back on his feet.

Morgan had looked up to him with big brown eyes, an exact replica of Tony's, and smiled like she was excited to see him.

"You must be Peter," she had said, grabbing onto his wrist. He had to hold back a flinch, broken wrist protesting the movement. "I'm Morgan, your little sister."

"Sister?" Peter echoed, confusion and shock masking the residual pain and fear.

Pepper had spotted them before Morgan could explain it, eyes widening at his state and ushered him into his own hospital room despite his protests, mumbling things about fast healing and he'd be fine, but Pepper had been insistent about getting a doctor in with him to make sure all of his wounds would heal alright.

The second time he met Morgan was when Happy had picked him up from the shelter May and him had been staying at while they tried to find a new apartment. Their old one had been sold and most of their things were gone.

Happy had driven him to the cabin, somewhere he'd been avoiding ever since the snap was reversed. He felt guilty and out of place. He didn't want to intrude on Tony's new family.

But apparently Happy was insistent.

Peter's phone was among the things that were gone, so Tony had no way of finding the Parkers until Happy had spotted May at her old job.

Morgan greeted him in the front yard, hugging his waist.

"I missed you!" she exclaimed in that loud way all children speak when they get too excited. "Daddy said you were busy, not that you didn't want to come. He missed you lots too."

"Oh wow," Peter said, confused and still shocked that Tony was married, had a daughter, and was retired.

Tony had emerged from the cabin then, metal arm shining in the morning light.

He looked older than he had the last time Peter had really seen him, technically five years ago, but he looked so much happier. He smiled openly and softly in a distinctly parental way.

"Hey, kiddo."

It was that easy for Peter to understand his place in the world.

Now, Peter's grown accustomed to being a part of the Stark family.

He was always Tony's kid, and he thought that would be as far as his connections would go. But it wasn't.

Pepper treated him like her own kid, making him tea when he couldn't sleep, pinning his best grades on the fridge alongside Morgan's art, hugging him tight whenever she could, always making extra portions for dinner for his crazy metabolism.

And Morgan was his little sister. She was the best, through and through. Pepper told him at one point that Tony raised Morgan with Peter in mind, teaching her to be as great as Peter.

Morgan's six-years-old now, a perfect blend of all of Tony's best attributes and all of Pepper's. And she loves Peter.

"You're thinking again," Morgan says, frowning up at him and tugging at the hem of his sweatshirt, technically one of Tony's old ones but Peter knows the retired superhero doesn't mind Peter's obsession with stealing his clothes.

"Sorry, bug," Peter murmurs, lifting Morgan into his lap. She grins at him and presses a kiss to his cheek. "You're the best little sister, you know that?"

"I'm your only little sister."

"Still the best."

"I know."

Tony appears in the doorway to the livingroom, smiling at his two kids in that nostalgic, peaceful way he does. He has a habit of watching them interact like this is his biggest dream coming true.

Morgan bounces on his lap excitedly, lifting her hands towards him. Her nails are painted surprisingly well in plenty of designs and colors.

"I dedicated this nail to you when I painted them!" She shows him her thumb on her right hand. It's painted red with a little black spider in the center.

"Mom did those, not you," Tony says, slipping into the room to sit beside Peter. "You're not allowed to paint your nails without supervision."

Peter laughs, squeezing Morgan. "They look really pretty, bug. Think Mom would do my nails too?"

"Yeah! We can match!" She giggles, poking his cheek. "Are you going to be here for our next spa day?"

Morgan and Pepper have 'spa days' every Sunday night. Normally, Peter's gone by Sunday afternoon, getting dinner on his drive back to Queens for the week of school.

"Course, kiddo, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Sure, it means Peter will have to stay for dinner and that means driving home in the dark, and it probably means he won't be able to patrol, and it definitely means he'll be a little bit tired for school on Monday. But he'd do it for Morgan. He can't say no to her.

"Love you both," Tony says, forever the sappy father he is.

Morgan narrows her eyes. "Can we have juice pops then?"


more short fluff lol 


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