you can't look pretty and dangerous at the same time

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"You can't look pretty and dangerous at the same time."

Spider-Man didn't do pair-ups very often. He was very much a solo-worker.

Iron-Lad was the only exception.

Whenever the superhero was in town, they always teamed up to fight crime together. Peter's not quite sure what it is about Ironlad, but he likes his fighting method, the brash southern accent that's always flirting with him through their coms. Plus, he's saved Peter's life a few times.

"You're good at your job," Ironlad tells him.

They're still wearing their masks, still hiding their identities from each other, but they sometimes hang out after patrol on rooftops.

"I mean, this isn't my day job, but thanks." Peter shrugs, tipping his head back to look up at the stars and moon. He hits Ironlad's ankle every time he swings his feet.

"You know, we've known each other for nearly a whole year now," the southern hero says. "If you don't want to reveal anything too personal like your face or your name, I get it, but I mean, come on. I know nothing about you."

Peter laughs a little because in any other circumstance it wouldn't make much sense. "You say that like I know anything about you."

"Well, I trust you. I wouldn't mind you knowing everything about you."

And Peter trusts Ironlad too. More than he thought he could ever trust another hero. He believes that Ironlad would keep his identity a secret, wouldn't go digging for truths or secrets, wouldn't sell him out to criminals or journalists. He trusts Ironlad.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this," Peter laughs, reaching up to pull at the hem of his mask.

It comes off in one swoop, pushing his hair around and messing it up, and he knows he probably looks a little flushed with nerves.

Before he can say anything, Ironlad's mask pops open too revealing a boy around Peter's age, longer, messier, light brown curls falling in front of his pretty hazel eyes.

"Harley," Ironlad says, sticking out his hand. "Harley Keener."

"Peter Parker. It's nice to really meet you, Harley."

But just to ruin the nice moment, the door behind them slams open revealing a few men in thick armor and holding more alien tech.

Harley immediately blocks Peter, mouth curling into a snarl, giving Peter the perfect chance to slip his mask back over his face and hide his identity. Not enough time for Harley to hide his.

It's the kind of thing that cements Peter's trust in Harley.

"You can't look pretty and dangerous at the same time!" Peter exclaims, rolling his eyes as he turns to face the gunmen. "Not yet, at least. I was just trying to come up with every compliment I could to pay to you, and now you have the audacity to look like you do?"

Harley huffs out a laugh, mask sliding shut. "Shut up or you're going to get shot, Spidey."

"Alright, alright, I get it. That'd make a bad introduction, huh? Hi, this is me. Also, I'm bleeding out."

Peter shoots a web at the first of the gunmen avoid getting reprimanded for talking too much again. Harley immediately takes up the other two of them, shooting repulsor blasts at them while trying to keep a close eye on Peter. Spider-Man's suit has to be flexible which means it can't be properly alien-proof unfortunately. So Harley's always extra careful to take any hits meant for Peter against alien weapons.

"I mean, honestly, Parker? You think it's okay to call me pretty when you look like you do? I think that's a crime in itself. And you call yourself a hero."

Peter laughs and they take down the gunmen with ease, always tuned in to each other's movements and plans.

As soon as they're finished, Harley's mask flips up again, revealing flushed cheeks and a crooked grin. "So, what do you say we hang out as people instead of heroes for once? I could go for a coffee."

"Sounds like a plan, Keener." 

i said the last two were stupid and short and then I write this???? less than a thousand words of pointless mostly fluff lol oops


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