trick or treat

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I kinda took this prompt on a little adventure but here we are (late as always lmao)

This is also incredibly AU so oops ,,,


Harley's incredibly reluctant when his mom shows him the costumes she picked out for them. He would do pretty much anything for his siblings, but this was a little over the top.

Apparently, Abbie had begged to do a group costume this year, and they'd decided on Winnie the Pooh.

Jonah, the second youngest of the Keener's at three, got to be Winnie the Pooh, and Harley would be lying if he said he wasn't the cutest little kid on the planet.

Dayton's seven and he chose Tigger.

Piglet went to Aspen, the middle child at 10 years old.

Abbie claimed Eeyore before Harley could.

Leaving Harley as Kanga, and the baby of the family, Bentley, as Roo.

It's embarrassing, walking around his hometown dressed as Kangaroo with his baby sister in his pouch, the train of Keener's following along behind him.

The anxiety is a lot higher than the shame, though. With five children to look after singlehandedly, Harley feels like he's going to lose his mind, counting them every few minutes to make sure they haven't lose anybody.

Rose Hill's generally a pretty safe town. It's small enough that everyone knows everyone. If any of these people saw one of the Keeners in danger, they'd be sure to stop it. Harley trusts the people in the town.

But Rose Hill's also a popular trick or treating spot. Everyone in neighboring towns come to theirs because nearly every house will have candy or chocolate available. They always go all out. So there's a lot of strangers about.

"C'mon! It's Tay's house!" Aspen shouts, racing ahead, hand linked with Dayton's. "She said she'd have special treats for us!"

"Aspen!" Harley chastises with no results. Abbie shakes her head, holding onto Jonah's hand. The pair system generally works alright but leaving the two middle kids together doesn't work out quite as well as Harley was hoping for. He tries to pick up the pace to catch up, but Bentley is proving to be a difficult addition to their team.

He loses sight of Aspen suddenly, lost to the groups of people on the streets. He grabs Jonah from Abbie. "Go catch up to the others and then wait at Tay's until I get to you."

Abbie jogs off, bag of candy tossed over her shoulder. Jonah whines pitifully at being left behind and Harley's forced to lift him into his arms to soothe him.

Now saddled with two kids and three bags of candy, Harley struggles to keep his cool.


Harley turns, fear chilling him to his very bones. It could be one of his kids, voice high and scared.

But when he sees the source of the voice, it's a girl he doesn't recognize, probably eight or nine years old, eyes wide and a deep shade of brown.

"Everythin' okay?" Harley asks, shifting Jonah's weight to lean down to her height.

She shakes her head, mouth settling into a pout. "I can't find my brother."

"Alright, honey, I'll help you out. Can I guess he's dressed as Peter Pan?"

The girl nods. She's dressed as Tinkerbell, a little green dress and wings and the iconic green shoes with white balls on the ends. "I got scared but I can't find him anymore."

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