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"See you two later!" Lucina waved in the general direction of her brother and his girlfriend, a happy smile on her face. She was sitting on the couch in her apartment, Robin next to her and focused on the television screen. He had the grace to look over and wave farewell to Marth and Caeda, but he nearly jumped off the couch itself when he heard the sound cue he'd been waiting for. 

"There! It's right there!" Robin exclaimed. "Look!"

Lucina looked away from the door and at the screen, spotting the object that had caused Robin's outburst. "So it wasn't a prank after all! That's awesome!"

Of course, Lucina already knew that it hadn't been a prank. Perks of being able to see the future and all that. But she didn't bring it up to Robin, because she knew he'd be a bit upset by how she was "cheating" when all she was doing was using her resources.

Thinking about how she'd been trying to get her Gift under control was a bit of an upsetting subject, though. The work she'd been doing had only made her Gift more uncontrollable, and now she was getting visions when she didn't want them. Such as when she slept. That was rather unfortunate- okay, it was really annoying. Especially when the visions weren't so pleasant. 

Sometimes she couldn't quite keep her visions and reality separate. It had lead to a lot of... problems in the past few weeks, but she was working on it. Kind of. 

It was a little difficult to explain why she thought Robin had misplaced his book again when in fact, he had it right in front of him. Marth had started teasing her a bit about "early onset memory loss," which Lucina hadn't really appreciated that much. 

Still, the fact that these were just visions and therefore not real (yet) was a bit of a comfort. Lucina didn't want to tell anybody that she was having problems keeping her Gift under control, because that would only lead to questions about what she was seeing. Which was a problem in and of itself- the future was a damn fickle thing. It was literally always changing. Her visions were only right about fifty percent of the time because of this, which was... unsettling and a relief at the same time.

"...Lucina, are you still listening to me?" Robin asked, sounding a bit embarrassed. 

"What?" Lucina blinked and looked over at him, realizing that she'd totally just zoned out on him. Whoops. "I'm sorry, Robin. What were you saying?"

"Nevermind. It's not that important." Robin laughed sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to zone out on you." Lucina said, feeling a bit of an embarrassed blush rise to her face. 

"You're fine. I know that I talk too much when I'm passionate about something." Robin replied, shaking his head for emphasis. 

"I should have been listening. I'm just kind of... preoccupied, I guess." Lucina sighed and leaned back on the couch. It was true, she was feeling a bit down. There wasn't really a specific reason why, she just was

Robin frowned slightly. Clearly he could tell that something was off about her. Of course, it's not like Lucina could really hide anything from him. "Do you want to talk about it?" Robin asked. 

"I'm not even really sure what's got me feeling so... eh." Lucina responded, determined to look anywhere but at Robin. He was distracting. Like, really distracting. 

"Try to talk through it. I'll listen. And hey, it might make you feel better." Robin smiled crookedly at her, and Lucina felt her heart skip a beat. Or three. 

"I don't know..." Lucina said hesitantly. "I think a lot of it is just me worrying about the future."

That clearly caught Robin's attention. Lucina didn't like to talk about her Gift, so her initiating a conversation about it was rare. "Oh?"

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