a different Misi:Legasi

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"I can hel-" Alicia was cutted off by Zain"Alicia!" He yelled "Execute protocol gegas" Zain hesitantly said to Alicia. Knowing this will be his last. And Djin is just being an asshole by ruining the moment"haha.. that's so touching" he said and picked up his sword. Alicia hesitated but left with the others.

The young agents were walking down the hallway to leave the academy,when a large black wolf came running pass them. They all looked at where the wolf was headed "was that a-" Khai was cutted off "wolf?" Rudy said "what's a wolf doing here?" Iman asked. "We don't know. But we should leave.It's probably just our imagination. A wolf can't possibly get here on its own" Alicia said when they heard a howl behind them "yup definately a wolf". Khai said and continued walking. The others followed.

Djin was preparing to charge at Zain when they heard a howl and looked at the direction it came from. It was a pure black wolf with emerald green eyes with a few hints of light blue. The wolf growled. Commanding the two to put their weapons down. Zain hesitated but slowly putted his guns down but Djin on the other hand, attacked the wolf. But the wolf was not ordinary. As Djin was a few inches from the wolf. It's eyes glowed green and chains appeared and latched to Djin's arm and pinned him down. "Huh?!" Was the only reaction the two had when they saw what the wolf did. Djin tried breaking free,but the more he struggled,the more stronger the chains get.

The wolf walked towards Djin it's glowing green eyes looking directly at his. It growled before saying "you letted your ego destroy your strong bond with your friends resulting in your defeat" it said before backing away and using its powers to remove Djin's helmet and shattering it. Releasing the mainframe from Djin's control.

Zain backed away a few steps"y-yo can talk?" He said in disbelief and looked at the wolf. The wolf looked at him and started walking towards him."hm?you don't remember my feral form. Do you Zain?" It said before a green flame surrounded it turning into the Tekno core leader.

She removed Djin's chains. Djin coughed due to the tightness of the chains. "You made me vulnerable and weak. You yourself didn't want someone more powerful than you by taking my abilities away from me instead of letting me help improve Cyberaya" she said before surrounding Zain with the same green chains. This time, bringing him to his knees. He looked at her and she bent down to his level "now. I'll let both of you live if...you let me keep my powers and let me help improve Cyberaya like were supposed to" she said before healing Zain's injury and releasing him from the chains.

Meanwhile,Djin grabbed his sword and launched at Dayang. But she sensed him and immediately turned into a wolf and pinning him down and biting his neck killing him.

Meanwhile outside the academy entrance,they noticed that the satellite deactivated. And so, Alicia immediately ran back to where Djin and Zain where much to agent Geetha's dismay.

When she arrived,she saw the wolf pin down Uno and killed him. Alicia gasped in horror. The wolf noticed Alicia and immediately got of Djin and tapped the floor two times and suddenly healed Djin's wounds and bringing him back to life.

Alicia immediately darted her attention to agent Zain and ran over to him "agent Zain!" She said as she hugged her mentor. Zain patted Alicia's head in response. Dayang sat down next to Djin as he was getting up. He hissed in pain an Dayang just looked at him and hitted Djin with her paw earning a grunt from the former Inviso. "What was that for?" He said glaring at the wolf "your an asshole for thinking we agree to kill you. If you really wanted revenge,attack Zain. He forced us to do this y'know." She said earning a suprised look from Alicia as Dayang licked her paw. Zain looked at the wolf. "Why didn't you come sooner?" He asked. Dayang rolled her eyes before saying "to make you feel like your going to die. And for you to actually learn that killing your teammate/very close friend is a bad idea no matter what" Djin looked at Dayang And got an idea to brighten up her mood"hm... Can I do this?" Djin said and without waiting for a response hugged the wolf. She growled for him to stop but Djin ignored her. "Fine" she said and looked at the two who were looking at them and Alicia snapping a picture of the two"so cute!" She said as she looked at the photo. Zain looked at the photo and couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Dayang groaned in utter annoyance.

She turned back to a human,stood up and grabbed Djin's arm and pinning him down again before walking away. "We should tell them that it's safe" she said before turning into a wolf and started running outside. The two neuros turned to Djin who was easily beaten by Dayang while Zain struggled to get a hit on him and letted out a laugh before standing up and reaching his hand out to Djin. Djin grabbed his arm and started walking outside "how come she healed you?" Djin said grunting and hissing as the pain in his abdomen got worse "probably because I would die if she didn't heal me" Zain said. Djin looked at Alicia"y'know,you kids are really great not gonna lie. I mean,you did manage to knock me out for a good two minutes" Djin said to Alicia. Alicia smiled in response.

Dayang got outside and howled to gain the agents attention. Everyone looked at her "that's the wolf we saw!" Khai said and Dayang leaped. Ignoring the stairs and turning into a human again "well? What do you think?" She said. All the agents were eyes wide. She started walking towards the group " I came here to talk some sense into these two idiot's" and on que,Djin, Zain and Alicia emerged. Dayang pointed at the two cores "since Zain and Djin was manipulative and Djin had trust issues and wants to murder people and takeover Cyberaya. So from now on,to make sure that these two don't start the downfall of MATA,they'll answer to me." She said Zain looked at her "wait. I didn't agree to this." He said to Dayang "yeah. I also didn't agree to you removing my powers" she said to him.

After a month of Dayang being in charge, MATA became the most powerful agency in the county(secretly). MATA was perfect. Dato was no longer in control of MATA (thankgoodness) instead,just partnering with them. Everything was going great! No mishaps or anything. Well, exept for Ali. He still isn't following mission directives. Oh well... It's better than nothing.

A/N:I like lumine too much. That cinnamon roll is too cute to ignore!*giggles* anyways,I hope you enjoyed this. And...

Spoiler for lumine coming up
But feel free to read if your not going to read lumine on webtoon or have already seen the latest chapters.

GOD DAMMIT YOU WITCH! WHY WOULD YOU ABANDON YOUR SON ONLY FOR YOU TO HUNT HIM DOWN! Poor Calla lost her memories while that witch was looking for that spell. Calla. Please control your anger if you ever get back your memories.

I want to make a crossover where Ali is lumine and Alicia is Kody so that there's other stories other that truth or dare and oneshots and those komine ships(I like the komine ships ok? Pls don't hate) I mean,its just my opinion. You don't have to take it seriously.

Know what? Imma make an alilicia chapter where Ali is a werewolf and Alicia is a witch ÒwÓ

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