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Its a normal day in Cyberraya.The pioneers are finishing a pill that changes the age of the person that consumes it into a 2yr old.For no reason whatsoever...

"Done!"Dr Tong said."Who are we gonna test it on?"Dr Mala asked."I think i want Ali to test it out.It will be nice to have my kid as a baby again.I mean...he will still have the mind of a twelve year-old right?"Dr Ghazali said.The other two pioneers agreed and decided that it wont have any effect on Ali,so might as well do it."i better call Ali"Dr Ghazali said.And he picked up his phone and called his son who just finished a mission.

Ali was talking with agent Dayang about something when Ali's phone rang

"Ali,can you come over to Alpha tower?"


"We need you to test something..."he sounded so suspicious.But Ali just shrugged.

"Yeah...sure.I'll come as soon as i can dad"And he hung up.

"Who was that?"Agent Dayang asked.Ali just said "It's my dad,he wants me to head to Alpha tower.They want me to test something"Agent Dayang was suspicious, because every time that they're testing something... it's trouble."I'm coming with you,just in case anything bad happens.ok?"Ali was suprised,but its no big deal."ok!"Ali answered.And they headed to Alpha.

They reached the lab.Ali went in while Agent Dayang was outside the door."dad?"Ali said."Ali, come!"his dad said."Great the boy is here"Dr Mala said.Ali was tensing up,so he prepaired his gasing incase anything happens.His dad gave him a pill and said"here,swallow it ok?dont worry it wont kill you"yep totally not suspicious at all!"ok?"and he swallowed it."nothing happe-"poof... Ali turned into a two year old again."It worked!"Dr Tong said."So cute!"Dr Mala said.Ali looked at the towering pioneers and then his tiny baby hands,and sat down quietly sobbing while the pioneers were celebrating.Then Ali yelled "AGENT DAYANG!!!UWAAAAH!!"The pioneers were confused.They didn't know who this agent dayang is.Until...with a loud slam,the door opened  revealing a woman wearing a lab coat."WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY BFF'S BABY?!"the pioneers were so scared.They hid under a table."They turned me into a baby!"Baby Ali said.Dayang turned into smoke and suddenly appeared infront of Dr Ghazali,(the poor father just wanted to have his kid to be a baby again)similar to Agent Djin.Dayang picked Dr Ghazali up by his collar on his shirt"where's the antidote  Ghazali?"Dayang said."T-there is no antidote,p-plis its permanent.."Dr Ghazali said trembling."WHAT!do you know how long i have to wait to recruit him again?"Dayang said outraged.So,the only reasonable thing to do was shake him uncontrollably.Little did they know that Dr Tong called Dato'Othman.When Dato' arrived,he saw a baby ali?and an angry Dayang shaking a dizzy Ghazali."WHAT THE HELL DAYANG?!STOP THAT!YOUR GONNA KILL HIM!"Dato'said."Halpm meh Dato'..."was  the only thing Dr Ghazali said until Dayang threw him across the room."Look what they did to Ali!"Dayang protested.Ali looked at Dato' with his big and adorable Dato' picked Ali up"how bout we keep you this way,Ali?"Dato' asked."b-but i wont get to gow own miswons if i stay wike this fowevew"Ali said (just imagine a baby ali just being cute.Also not being savage cuz thats my senpai Farah's thing...)"well maby you can be the firt two year old agent?"Dato'said."ok,but pwomis me that u wont stop me fwom going on miswons?".Ali said."Yeah,sure!oy and your gonna be homeschooled at MATA HQ by Dayang,cuz i dont thing Dayang is gonna forgive your dad anytime soon..."Dato'said.

Meanwhile... Dayan is scolding the pioneers,with a few insults...All insults are directed to Dr Ghazali.

After that crazy day... The pioneers we're no longer on Dayang's murder list.And everyone on HQ were adoring Ali, especially his uncle.Everything is going smoothly,and turns out Ali will stay a two year old forever. Just physically speaking...he will still age like the others.But now...he will forever be short!plus he wont experience puberty.That would be just...weird.

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