The existence of MATA

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One day,Dato' was drunk. And drunk people do stupid things. And he did the most STUPID and might be DANGEROUS thing he ever declared.   HE DECLARED THE EXISTENCE OF MATA AND REQUIRED AGENTS TO WEAR THEIR UNIFORM IN PUBLIC. Damn Dayang was so pissed. Even more than Ganz. Dark and murderous aura surrounds the Tekno agent 24/7 and always giving death glares. If you piss her off(like Ganz did after the announcement) her murderous aura is so strong that you could almost see it. And she beated him up so bad,he needed to stay at the med bay for a week. A WEEK. God after that,no agent wants to mess with her... THOSE POOR ROOKIES THAT SUFFERED HER WHRATH. Ok enough about the murderous Tekno. Let's talk about our cute Tekno Baby.

Dr Ghazali was at the couch watching Dato'make the announcement when Ali went downstairs to get ready for school when he heard Dato' say"all agents are required to wear their uniform in public. Including school" Ali immediately gone to the back of the couch"HE WANT US TO WEAR WHAT? I THOUGHT THAT WAS AGAINST MATA PROTOCOL?" His poor father got temporary hearing loss from Ali's yelling "what do you mean? Those are ment for agents" his dad looked at his son who was still in disbelief. Ali looked at him with the most unimpressed face "dad. I'm an agent. I've been an agent for almost two years now..." His dad gasped "look. I have to go to school and I'm skipping breakfast. Love you bye!"kissed his cheek  and rushed outside. What was caught Ghazali's attention was his son said I love you to him. He teared up a bit because he thought his son didn't like him because of his late hours at work. And that reminded him,he needed to go to work. And rushed outside. No one fed Comot her breakfast.

At SRT Cyberaya 1 Ali arrived early and headed to the canteen to find Alicia but saw Viktor talking with Sasi. Ali continued looking for Alicia when Viktor noticed him"hey Ali! Did you see Dato's announcement today?" Viktor said  "i-"Ali got rutted off by cikgu bidin wearing his agent uniform"Ali. As much as we don't want to,you need to wear you MATA uniform. "He said. "Wait Ali. Your an-" Ali cutted him off "sorry Vik . See you at class!" And ran.

Ali changed into his agent uniform and rushed to class when the bell rang. He barely got on time. "Alicia isn't here" thought

Pn Munah was suprised to see Ali in a different uniform. She immediately targeted Ali "Ali! Your going again our dress code" and pointed her stick at him. Ali gulped as the stick got closer then Alicia walked in "miss Munah,you are aware of the recent announcement Dato'made today?" Alicia said. Pn Munah turned her head to a yellow suited Alicia and raised an eyebrow "ouh Alicia is breaking dress code. What a first" Sasi said proudly but Alicia ignored him "MATA agents are required to wear their uniforms in public and carry their weapons as well" and showed her blastuque. Pn Munah looked at Ali "your an agent?" She asked Ali. Ali nodded in response. Everyone gasped even Viktor was shocked. "Ali. Your hair" Alicia told him. In response Ali spiked his hair to the right. "Huwah Ali! You look like cyberwira!" Viktor said "Alicia please. I'll follow mission directives. promise. Just don't tell him" Ali said in a rather serious tone. "Fine. In one condition. Let me do the thing and I won't tell them" Alicia said and Ali nodded in response.

Time skip.

It was recess and Viktor was walking with Ali without his tablet. Yeah. How rare. He kept looking at his uniform "so Ali,what's your weapon?" Viktor asked "sorry Vik. Just wait until PE class" and sat down in one of the benches. Viktor did the same and everything continued normal. With a few questions from the other students all replying with "sorry can't tell you" it was annoying them until Shaun and Syed came up to him and grabbed him "answer us Ali. Where are the secret passages?" Syed said and attempted to throw Ali across the room but Ali did a cartwheel to balance himself. "Just because MATA became public does not mean we will tell you everything we ask" Ali said "aw c'mon. Undercover cops do that too!" Shaun said "heh. That's a lie. Cops are allowed to lie about the things they do. And no. MATA agents aren't cops. Nor soldiers. And if you ask me about another top secret. I will bring you to one of the safehouses and let them execute you" Ali said in a cold voice. His face mimicking override. This sent chills down their spines. The bell rang "now. How about we head to the gym?" Ali said with the same face and voice. He pulled it off until they got to the gym.

Some student were suprised to see chikgu Bidin in a fancy suit. "From now on,you will be training with other students from MATA. As requested by Dato'' Karya said "and from now on,you will refer to me as agent Karya" And gave a bow.  "Ali Alicia,how about you two demonstrate how agents preform?" He said and they stepped at the middle of the gym. Pn Munah was watching them. <Insert:_fight_scene(1)> everyone gasped. Who knew Ali could do those things? They didn't even break a sweat. "Power Ali!" Viktor said as Ali and Alicia finished their demonstration on Munah just gasped. A fly almost landed in her mouth."damn. I haven't had that much fun since I fought Nikki" Ali said stretching. "Fun? We could've lost Ali" Alicia scolded him "I know. I know"

Karya sighed "please don't tell me he was just drunk" and cursed under his breath "as you saw with that demonstration, everything is calculated and timed perfectly" Karya said. "Really? I thought I was just acting in pure adrenaline and instincts." Ali said "me too" Alicia added. Karya was, suprisingly annoyed by what his job had become. "I suppose. Now,its your turn" Karya said and looked at the srt students. "Us?" Some said others gasped. "Don't worry. It will be simple and we'll slowly move to where Ali and Alicia are at.

And training they did. Sarsi was suprisingly bad at fighting. Atleast boy managed to get a hit. SARSI IS A COWARD. Only a few got minor injuries,but it's all good. They had a lot of fun.

Ali is now appreciated by his classmates and on Munah for the countless of times he saved and protected Cyberaya. It's great! Until the western terrorist came. Manly the US

To be continued...(maby)

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