Tigrisses Grandson

275 4 0

Name: Torao Ariwa

Age: 17

Relative: Tigris

Looks: Flame red hair which is quite long, wears contacts that make his eyes look like cat's eyes. He is quite tall but doesn't have alot of muscle. He has a tattoo of a black cat on his chest.

Link: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=Rupert+Grint+aged+17&start=109&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1093&bih=472&tbm=isch&tbnid=8fxkSqrwEpMs1M:&imgrefurl=http://trakt.tv/person/rupert-grint&docid=RNdPkpRFBUWbRM&imgurl=http://trakt.us/images/people/793.jpg&w=4016&h=5928&ei=Qe6fULCMBOnG0QWw34GoDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=815&vpy=2&dur=1504&hovh=273&hovw=185&tx=119&ty=151&sig=103911370011121585330&page=8&tbnh=155&tbnw=105&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:100,i:43

Personality: He wasn't the most athletic in his class but when it came to the long jump he was the champion. He is very frugal so even though everything is served to him on a silver (Well...gold) platter he uses his ability to steal. He like to hoard objects especially shiny objects. He doesn't talk much preferring to live a life of solitude.

Strengths: He is very agile so he can move around quickly. He can also pickpocket other contestants.

Weaknesses: He isn't very strong, so in a close combat fight he would lose everytime and he doesn't know much about wild plants.

Crushes: He has no crushes at the moment.

Job: He works in his parents shop.

Fav Activity: Collecting Shiny objects

Token: A marble that looks like a cat's eye

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