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Chapter 33

The next day passes slowly, my throat raw and losing my voice. I ended up in a dry cough anytime I had to speak. Torj and Castor felt guilty like I did taking the bread but their hungry convinced them to take it. Merlin had come to me, telling about Arthur’s refusal to believe in the sorcerer. I only sighed, muttering something about there only being so much time left. The knights have been working all day, helping keep order in the town and Merlin is busy helping Arthur so I stayed put in my room, not having the mental capacity to do anything more.

A migraine decides to plague me in the late afternoon as I sit on my windowsill, watching the Square. I see Merlin or one the knights once or twice but I can’t stand the light anymore, closing my eyes instead. I so desperately want to get to my bed but the movement makes blood pump through my scalp and dizziness to spin me around. I beg sleep to take me but it doesn’t grant my wishes.

At night, Leon enters my chambers.

“Elena?” he calls. I let out a soft moan in response, not bothered enough to use my actual voice. “Hey? Are you ok?” He shuts the door, coming over to me a hand brushing over my forehead. I blink slowly, my throat itching. I scan over him, looking at his own chapped lips and dry skin in dismay. “Should I get Gaius?” he worries. I shake my head best I can.

“I just need…water,” I croak taking a deep breath. Leon nods in understanding but it’s obvious he doesn’t know what to do. Eventually, he decides, his arms going under my back and legs, lifting me off the window sill. He places me down on my bed.

“Go to sleep,” he soothes, stroking my head. He makes a move to leave but I grip his wrist.

“Stay?” I plead, giving him my best puppy dog eyes that I’ve learnt from Merlin. He hesitates but agrees, laying down on the bed with me, but leaning up against the headboard so I can put my head on his stomach. I thank the heavens he’s not wearing his chainmail. The new comforting position lulls me to a soundless sleep.

I wake up the next day to Leon gone and feeling no better. I am not awakened by my own body clock however, a constant rapping at my door. Forcing myself out of bed, I’m greeted by Merlin who is beaming, holding up a ceramic jug and cup. Not even waiting for a greeting, he comes into my chambers putting the cup on my desk. Like a miracle before my own eyes, water flows out of the jug into the cup.

I gasp, racing over to the cup, taking it as soon as Merlin stops pouring. Its beautiful coolness soothes my throat and before I can satisfy it the cup runs out. I put it on the table and let the warlock fill it back up. This time I drink it slower.

“Take you time, there’s plenty more where that came from. And you could make yourself sick,” he warns.

“The water’s back?” I ask incredulously. “How? Why?”

“Last night, Arthur and I were down in the vault and a man was down there stealing grain but Arthur let him go. He said something about being rewarded,” he recounts, the grin still planted on his face. “I think it was one of the tests that the man told us about.”

“Well thank god for Arthur. He may be the reason for all this but he’ll end up being our salvation.”

“I think he’s starting to come ‘round and believe it in. Now we just have to get our food back. Remember that rat, well, guess what Arthur’s having for dinner,” he says, pursing his lips and plops on my bed. “Your bed is so much comfier than mine,” he groans.

“That’s just gross. I think I’ll stick to no food thanks,” I snort, my voice slowly coming back now that my throat doesn’t feel as scratchy.

Lost in Albion 1 (Merlin) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now