Chapter 2

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Third Person's P.O.V.

You walked around a little bit then saw the kitchen. You decided to go in there, but as soon as you walked in, you regretted it. There was just a bunch of chaos. Everyone that was in there was just watching what was happening. Kōsetsu and Danae appeared to be fighting. You were confused, and kind of scared. You watched for a bit and finally figured out what they were fighting over.

"IT'S MY POCKY!" Kōsetsu yelled. They were fighting over... Pocky.

"I GRABBED IT FIRST!" Danae yelled, pulling the Pocky away from Kōsetsu.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two!?" You heard someone say. You looked over and saw Zion.

"SHE TOOK MY POCKY!" Kōsetsu yelled.

"I HAD IT FIRST!" Danae yelled back. Suddenly, she yanked the Pocky out of Kōsetsu's hand. "HA, I GOT THE POCKY!" 

"WHAT, NO FAIR! YOU TOOK ALL THE POCKY HERE, AT LEAST LET SOMEONE ELSE HAVE SOME!" Kōsetsu yelled. Zion facepalmed and sighed.

"Danae, do you SERIOUSLY have ALL the Pocky here?" Zion asked. 

"Nooooo," Danae obviously lied.

"Give AT LEAST one thing to the spoiled brat there," Zion said. Kōsetsu looked offended.

"WHAAAAAT!? ME!? SPOILED!? YOU'RE SO MEAN TO ME, ZI!" Kōsetsu yelled. (Kokichi much-) Zion just rolled his eyes. "I have a name, ya know!" 

"Yes, I know, Kōsetsu." Zion said, clearly annoyed. He always seemed to be annoyed.

"You can call me Kō, by the way!" Kō said, cheerfully.

"If you fucking call me 'Zi' ever again, you better expect a class trial for yourself." Zion threatened.

"Woahhh feisty, like Ryder said~," Kō said. Zion looked pissed. He looked like he was about to attack Kō.

"I will fucking hu-" Zion was interrupted by you, actually stepping in.

"Zion, calm down a bit. I understand Kō is pissing you off, but you need to learn to chill out a bit." You said. He looked over at you and sighed.

"Fuck you all," Zion said, then walked out of the kitchen. You looked at him as he walked out and just sighed and shook your head.

"WHEN AND WHERE-" Kō yelled as Zion walked out. Zion flipped him off before actually leaving the room.

"Kō, you need to calm down. Danae, give him one box of Pocky." You said, then walked off and followed Zion. 

You saw him walk to an area where there seemed to be a window. It seemed like a living room area. Zion sat by the window and was looking out it. You couldn't see anything out there. Just a sky. You didn't see any buildings or really anything. You sighed slightly. Zion looked over at you.

"What do you want?" Zion asked.

"Oh, uh, sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and all," You answered. Zion just sighed.

"Uh, sorry if I offended you in any way?" Zion said.

"You didn't offend me, don't worry. I don't think you really even offended anyone there, but I could be wrong." You said. (Tbh Idk what I'm doing in this book anymore lmao). He didn't respond. You sighed. "Do... You want to go explore a bit? Since we might be here a while and all?" You asked. Zion just kind of rolled his eyes.

"Tch, I don't plan on being in this hell for long. What's the point in exploring if we're just going to leave pretty much right away?" Zion asked. You sighed. 

"What, you plan on killing?" You asked.

"I've done it once already, it's easy enough." Zion said. Your eyes widened.

"The hell?" You asked. Zion rolled his eyes.

"You don't need to know about it. I don't plan on killing to get out of here. I plan on just finding a way out, dumbass." He said. Now you were the one rolling your eyes.

"You really expect that to happen, dumbass?" You asked. Zion looked over at you and just glared.

"Tsk, how fuckin' dumb are you? There has to be a way out, dumbass." Zion said. (First of all, thanks Pastel for helping me with what Zion should say because I'm stupid and my mind blanked of all idea on what my own OC should say XD Second of all, there's a lot of calling people 'dumbass' lmao)

"Yeah, maybe, but WHERE." You said. Zion sighed and stood up.

"Fine, why don't we explore and find a goddamn way out then?" Zion said, walking past you. You quickly followed behind him.

"Surprised you even agreed to exploring." You said. Zion just glared.

"Just shut up. I'm just trying to prove that there's a way out of here." Zion said. You rolled your eyes.

You two walked around into every room. The kitchen, dining room, living room area, AV room, for some reason there was a pool with a boys locker room, girls locker room and even a non-binary locker room. There seemed to be a library with an archive too. Not really any special rooms. But there were also dorms.

You and Zion explored every room you could and realized there was no way of getting out. You two walked to the living room. Zion laid down on the couch in there.

"I told you I was right about no escape, dumbass." You told Zion. He glared at you.

"Fuck off, why don't you?" Zion said. You laughed a bit and sat on the arm rest thing by Zion.

"Nah, I like annoying you. Plus, you're basically the first person that really tolerates me." You said.

 "I can't fucking stand you. So no one tolerates you." Zion said. You just laughed a bit.

"I mean, you let me follow you while we looked for a way out sooo..." You said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Zion said. You guys went silent for a bit, then finally Zion said something. "Fine, you aren't THAT annoying, not as annoy and SOME people... Kōsetsu..." Zion muttered the last part. You just laughed a little.

"Yay! I'm not extremely annoying!" You joked. You heard Zion laugh a bit. "Did Zion Suzuki just laugh!? Holy shit, I didn't know that was possible!" You joked. Zion just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, Zion Suzuki isn't COMPLETELY heartless!" Zion joked. You both just kind of laughed.

You two actually talked for a little while, when there was suddenly an announcement.

"Ahem, this is an announcement. It is now 10 P.M. meaning it is officially nighttime! Please head to your rooms and sleep well! Goodnighttt!" Kyra-Kuma announced. 

"Nighttime, the fuck? I didn't know we had a bedtime." Zion scoffed.

"Well, I guess we should head to our rooms then?" You suggested.

"I guess so." Zion said. You guys walked off to your rooms and said goodnight.

You looked around a bit at everything. It looked like a normal bedroom. You laid down on your bed and just kind of thought about everything that was happening for a little while. You sighed then finally decided to sleep. 


Hi this is chapter 2 XD Idk I tend to end my chapters with authors notes things, idk lmao uhhh hope people liked it? Lmao Welp just stay awesome, stay alive ||-// and bai for now!!!!


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