Chapter 5

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Third Person's P.O.V.

You walked to your podium. Monokuma and Kyra-Kuma explained the rules of a class trial then you all finally started. 

"So... What do we start with?" Lakelynn asked.

"Hm... Alibis?" Danae asked.

"Yeah, sure, but I'm pretty sure we all have the same damn alibi," Zion said.

"Maybe someone has a different alibi than others?" Galaxi said.

"I'll start. I was painting my nails, trying to get over the fact that some... MONSTER BURNED MY SHOES!" Abby cried. You rolled your eyes.

"Okay... I'll say mine next. I was just in my dorm, either asleep or trying to sleep." You said. Mostly everyone had the same alibi as you, except a few.

"Uhm, Daisy and I were in my dorm, just kind of hanging out, y'know?" Rin said.

"Yeah, we were in his dorm all night." Daisy agreed.

"Did either of you leave or end up sleeping?" Zion asked.

"Nope, we both were in there all night," Rin said.

"You two could be working together and just defending what the other person did!" Abby said.

"Abby- Wait... You actually said something smart for once," Zion said. Abby smirked.

"Tch, assh- Wait, do you agree with me for once!?" Abby asked.

"Sort of... Monokuma, is it possible to have an accomplice?" Zion asked.

"Puhuhu, yes, it is." Monokuma said.

"See!? So which one of you killed Greyson!?" Abby said.

"Neither of us. We never left the room," Daisy said.

"Bullshit!" Abby said.

"Abby, let's see what are some others alibis are," You said. Abby rolled her eyes.

"Well... Ayumi, Addison, and I were in the kitchen until the nighttime announcement. Maybe at like 10:30 P.M., we left for our dorms?" Mia said.

"Alright, my main suspects are Daisy and Rin! Which one of you assholes did it!?" Abby said.

"Abigail, look at the fucking evidence. NONE OF IT POINTS TO EITHER OF THEM!" Zion said. Abby crossed her arms and pouted like a child.

"But... Their alibis aren't clear!" Abby said.

"They're more clear than Ayumi, Addison, and Mia's," Zion said.

"Only evidence that points to either of us is the blonde hair," Rin said.

"Still too much! Okay, I'm ready to vote! Daisy did it!" Abby said.

"Stop jumping to conclusions, Abby. Just because one piece of the evidence point to someone doesn't mean they did it. There's so more evidence. Why don't we look at the other evidence that points to Mia and Ayumi?" You suggested.

"W-Wha...? Y-You think I did it!?" Mia asked. She was already tearing up. Rowan was next to Mia, so they hugged her.

"No, no, they don't think you did it... Right guys?" Rowan asked.

"I mean... I'm not sure. Most of the evidence points to whoever bakes the most, and that just so happens to be Mia and Ayumi. No evidence points to Addison." Zion said.

"I feel like more evidence points to Ayumi than Mia," Kō said.

"They're both suspicious. After ten-thirty, their alibis aren't clear. Neither of them said what they did after ten-thirty," You said.

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