Chapter 4

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Third Person's P.O.V.

You stared at the body in horror. You heard some people run in.

"Oh my god!" You heard Ayumi say.

"W-Who is it?" Mia cried.

"I'll... Look." You said. You went towards the body. You flipped it over. It was...


"Jesus, Grey..." Addison said. You could see her tearing up.

"No! S-Someone..." Mia said. You went over to Mia and got her out. 

"Hey, hey, Mia, it's okay." You said. You kneeled down and hugged her. Mia hugged back and cried into your shoulder. You saw Kō and Rowan run in.

"Hey, what happened!?" Rowan asked.

"Body... Mia saw him," You said.

"Him? Who died?" Kō asked.

"Greyson..." You said. Mia let go of you then ran to Rowan. You heard someone scoff.

"Tch, good. The perv fucking died! That's great!" You heard someone say. You looked and saw Abby.

"Abby, shut up. Nows not the time." You said.

"Tch, what? You actually LIKED that perv?" Abby said.

"Abby, shut the fuck up." You said.

"Fine, but don't come crying to me if you're the one being executed!" Abby said. She walked off.

"What...?" You asked. You rolled your eyes then walked over to where Greyson's body was. You frowned. You started looking at his body and everything around him. 

Greyson didn't seem to have any injuries to his body, other the small injuries you'd probably get if you fell. Was that a clue...? You looked around his body. You found... A few cake crumbs, some frosting from the cake. A few cookies. You actually found the cake piece, it looked to be half-eaten. There was some brown hair, brown fabric, purple fabric, and some blonde hair left at the scene. 

You were given the Monokumafile. Here's what it said.

Victim: Greyson.
Cause of Death: Poison.
Where the Body was Found: Kitchen
Position of the Body: Laying on the floor.
Time of Death: 11 P.M.

"This isn't much evidence..." You sighed.

"Maybe there's some more somewhere else?" Someone said. You looked over and saw Zion.

"Uh, maybe? Want to go with me to look?" You asked Zion.

"Uhm, sure," Zion said. You guys left the room.

You guys looked around the school, trying to find some sort of evidence. The final place you looked in... The victim's dorm. You sighed and opened the door. There wasn't much in the room, really only some animal stuff, since Greyson's Ultimate was saving animals. You and Zion looked around a bit. You opened the door to the bathroom and immediately saw a thing of bleach. You went over and grabbed it.

"Hey, Zion?" You said. Zion looked over at you.

"What'd you find?" Zion asked. You showed him the bleach. He walked over to you. You handed him the bleach.

"I just found bleach, do you have bleach in your dorm?" You asked.

"No, I don't. Okay... Who had bleach in their dorm?" Zion asked.

"How am I supposed to know? Greyson?" You guessed.

"Haha, smartass," Zion said, sarcastically, and handed you the bleach.

"Could this be a clue?" You asked.

"Yeah, since the cause of death was poison," Zion said.

"Alright then, let's keep this on us and show the others?" You asked.

"Probably," Zion said. Suddenly, there was an announcement.

"Well, we're getting bored. Please meet at the entrance of this skyscraper to go down to the trial room!" Kyra-Kuma said.

"Shit, trial time already?" Zion said.

"I guess so," You said. You both headed to the entrance.

You two were the last people to get there. The door opened to reveal a hallway. You went down the hallway and there was an elevator at the end. Everyone got into the elevator. Suddenly, all you felt was anxiety. You were scared of who would die. What if you were voted incorrectly then ended up being killed!? What is the killer was one of your friends!? You were terrified.

It felt like an eternity until the elevator stopped. The doors opened to reveal a room with 21 podiums where people would stand. You saw a picture of Greyson that appeared to have an X over it. You were confused, but didn't pay much attention to it. Everyone went to their podiums.

It was time to start the first class trial. Someone was actually killed... That, someone, was Greyson. And the person that killed him, was one of your classmates. 


Welp trial time! Idk why I always make these anymore when I never know what to say lmao. Who do you think did ittt? Welp, you'll hopefully find out next chapter! Welp, stay awesome, stay alive ||-// and Bai for now!!!!!


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