Chapter 3

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They were in Fred's place as where they were beginning to practice. Baymax was being silent waiting for Hiro
"Hiro, " called Baymax, Hiro then looked at Baymax. Hiro thought something was bothering him.
"What is it Baymax? "

Then it Baymax showed a picture on y/n "Based on her hormonal activities, she was having hard times, experiencing depression, "
"Why did you scanned her? " Hiro looked at Baymax not expecting it. It did caught Go Go's attention
"I detected 1 cut on her shoulder, 6 times cut on her left hand, 4 cuts on her right hand."
Go Go looked at Baymax and loomed at the anatomy. Hiro was shocked.
As the picture was gone, Fred came and looked at Hiro and Go Go. "What are you looking at? " Hiro diverted Baymax's body and took him to his
suit. "A-ah nothing,  really, " he lied. It did made a suspicion of Fred but as he looked at Go Go acting like there was nothing, he shrugged it off. 
"She needs a therapist, a Medical attention-"
"She maybe had her own therapist, or already cleaned all her wounds, " Hiro replied and Baymax didn't protested.

Om morning, you took a shower, it really stinged and you flinched, especially when you soap-ed the areas. Since your Uncle Alistair was on his errands, you managed to throw the bandages and since you were out of stock, you planned to buy and didn't used your eyeglasses. It doesn't have any prescription or it wasn't a reading glasses, it was just fashion glasses but sometimes you feel like your life was depending on it, then one time you act like you couldn't see when they took your glasses, luck was on your side till it resigned.
"Goodmorning Master Y/n, " Andreus was then surprised on you.
"Goodmorning Sir, " you then smiled.
"You're looking, less than I saw before, " he frantically said that enlightened your mood.
You went for a walk. You were then outside of the Manor and you liked it. You were wearing your Black zip-up hoodie and a skinny jeans. They were looking weird at you, maybe because of your black fuzzy hair, like it was caused by an static electricity.
You then went to a store to buy some plasters, bandages and other things for cleaning your wounds. 
As you went to the counter, the cashier was looking like they never seen you before. As you were walking,  you ought to saw a person running in your direction. As you could think, it was like a robbery and it took your grocery bags. "Hey! " you called. You ran after it.
"Kinda useful, " he said and made you pissed. You were on a dark alley.  "Give that back! " you fought. And as it looked at you, it laughed.
"You're so ugly to be saved, " you then clenched your fist. "Your family will dis own you with that look of yours.
You stopped in your tracks. You didn't want to cry, not in there. You shrugged it off and went to buy another one. But then, you suddenly hear a groan behind your back. You looked at it and then saw a guy in a purple suit and a big red robot. You were stunned as you looked at them head to toe.
He then came close to you and opened your hands to let you hold your bag.
"You okay miss? " he asked, you then sighed. "No, " you honestly add.
"D-did he hurt you? Where? " his voice was like actually panicking. "I thought I you would... " you paused.  But he was waiting for your answer. "Nevermind. Thanks, " you said and grinned.  "Don't worry miss, " he said and went back to his ride. "You're special, " as he left, you were stiffened in your spot.
He was nowhere to be found when then, you continued back to your tracks, going to the Manor back.


"Where were you y/n? " Your uncle Krei was worried about you.
"I-i'm fine, really. " you gave him a reassuring smile and made him stare at you.
"Why did you wear those glasses? "
He was looking at you confused and you chuckled. "I don't really now either,"
You were saved by the bell as when the Butler called your Uncle. 
You were eating with him and he was asking you questions about your invention to be made. 
"Can I borrow one of your labs? " you asked, expecting he won't let you-
"I was waiting for you to asked that, " he said as then he took another bite of his food. As for you, you wanted to create a robot. 

All your needs was there, and you were willing to work hard for it, but what type of robot?
San Fransokyo has a place for Illegal not fighting as you've researched. For your protection, you worked on to your spiderweb.
Your lab was silent just like you wanted. You then wear your lab coat and your gloves, you tied your hair and then started to work. 
You were working on a webslinger, purely nanotechnology used.  As you see, spiders has their own spider silk that made them make a web. Your father's strategy was the one you used and it was working.

Polymer(protein) nanofiber was the  web you developed in your house and continued it to the lab.  As you stick it to the other wall and held the other rope of it, it was strong. There were other things you put on the nanofiber when your father worked with you. He did suggested other things and you followed it, it was good and just like what you've expected. You were then cleaning the other beakers.
The process was slow but your motivation was high.
You took your two black gloves  and put stick the container on the palm. You wear the gloves and took the container and measured it. You planned to put on the round container where your open palm was facing.
After that was inject the silk you made and closed the container with some wrench. It was like a rotated watch as you can view.

You then tried your webslinger. For 123 attempts you successfully completed it.

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