Chapter 36 | Answers

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~Liam's P.O.V.~
I just walk up to the cash register and stand there patiently for a customer that might need help or is ready to check out. I saw the customer who was talking to Alice walk away. I glanced over at her but she was looking down at her phone. I then see a faint smile grow across her face.

"Wonderland", I hear someone say I looked up and I saw a guy walk in to the store it wasn't Austin or Abby, so I assumed it was that Connor guy. Alice then smiled once she saw him. Maybe he's her boyfriend. He doesn't really look like the jock type. He actually looks like a nice guy. Why would he say Wonderland though? Oh, it's- i'm probably the stupidest human on earth. I looked up and heard them talking to each other about something. I hate when people ease drop on me, but I just couldn't help it so I just pitched in the conversation. They were speaking in low voices, so it made it extremely difficult for me to hear.

"Last night...Everything went fine right?", Last night? I wonder if she got in trouble or something. What if she got in a fight I took a quick glance at her. She's not the fighting type she looks to delicate for that.

"Um, I guess you could say that," She said it in a very uncomfortable way. I then really began to wonder if her and him were dating.
Did something go down between them two? I had so many unanswered questions.

"So are you and Jake...", he didn't finish the statement. Who's Jake? Where they talking about him this whole time? Is he the jock boyfriend? Is she cheating on him? Did someone cheat? What happened? I then see her nod her head.

"Look Alice everything will be fine sooner or later,"he said with a faint smile. Im starting to think this Jake dude dumped her. Who would dump her! Who would lay a hand on her! It must suck getting dumped. I know how it feels. And it suck balls. Bowling balls. I see her look up to Connor.

"Jake and I-Were still friends though," she stated

"Is that good or bad?", He asked

Alice then looked down at the ground not answering the question.

"Good?", She said in an unsure tone.

The conversation was soon interrupted once I saw Austin try to sneak by the door, but Alice looked up, causing Connor to look back. Connor is the guy in charge when Abby isn't here. I can't find the word on my mind. I forgot but he can tell Abby if your late or not. And thats not good.

"New boy already late?" Connor said in a amused tone. Austin then gave Connor a nervous smile in return. Connor turns his whole body away from Alice and faces Austin.

"Just this one time, okay?", Connor said in a soft tone and I know Austin will gratefully take the offer

"Yeah, thanks," Austin said while nodding. He then walks over to the 'Employee's room'. I turned back around to see if Alice's conversation was still going on.

"Look Alice if you need more or help we can talk sooner or later," he said in a calming tone. She nodded in agreement, and was once she did Connor walked away into the Employee room as well. I heard her let out a quiet sigh and take out her phone once more. I shifted my head and stared at my register with a blank expression.

What was that whole conversation about? I'm extremely curious and want to know more. I let out a sigh myself and just made a quiet beat by lightly hitting the counter. Why can't I just start a conversation like a normal person? Why do I have to be so damn shy? I brush my hand through my hair to distress myself. Trying to convince myself to just start a conversation. I glanced over at Alice and she was looking up at the clock that was above the entrance. It was 11:26, I'm assuming her break is at 11:30. Mine is at 12:00 and ends and 1:00. I was okay with the schedule. I only work here in the weekends.

I glance back over at Alice and she was staring at her phone. Nervously. Okay, let's say what if she does get her break at 11:30? You would be hear for 30 more minutes. Alone and bored. Just start a conversation. I run my hands together nervously and think of something quick to say.

"What do you usually do when it get boring in here?", I ask. I didn't know if that sounded dumb, or if it was a too specific question.

"I just look at the people passing by or just get on my phone," she said still not taking her sight of her phone. I turned around to face her and leaned against the counter.

"You waiting for a text or something?", I ask, wanting the answer badly. Wanting to know every single answer for my burning questions. When I ask a question I want the answer know and there, without hesitation.

She noticed that I was facing her and places her phone back where it was. As if she thought she were being rude. Which some people consider it to be, but I myself do that which is a very bad habit of mine.

"No," she plainly said. Without a reason. Of course I wanted to know more. I wanted to get to know her. She let out a sigh once she said her answer. I turn to face back to my register, not knowing what else to say. Not knowing how to keep this conversation, so I just let the awkward silence do it's job.

"That dude that came late", she said, grabbing my attention

"Is he your friend?", she continued. I nodded to answer her question and she nodded back.

"Did he already live here?", she asked once more, and I dared to say something that I could possibly regret saying later

"You ask many questions Mrs.Alice", I say with a smile, knowing I do that myself.

"I'm sorry," she said with a shameful voice. I think she thought I was being serious, crap.

"I was playing around", I state trying to get her back in to the conversation. She looked up at me and gave me a warm smile. Making me smile. Her smile was just so contagious. She looked down at the ground with red cheeks, and of course it made me smile even more. Did I make her blush?

"Sorry I'm so awkward", she apologized, but she wasn't awkward at all, she was actually cute. Liam. Stop. She probably has a boyfriend.

"It's just been so stressing for me lately", she stated, while putting her hand up to her head, still looking at the ground. This was my chance.

"Well, maybe it would help if you told me", I asked, hoping that she could trust a stranger like me.

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