Chapter 10-Annabelle Virgo

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I groaned over the sink as Lizzy held back my hair. Looks like last night’s champagne isn’t completely out of my system.
There was a knock on the door. Mandy stopped dusting the shelves and answered it. My back was to her so I could only her muffled talking. 
"Who is it?" I asked, using a strict tone.
"Your Highness, it's Princess Lydia," Mandy informed, her voice sweet as honey and just as irritatingly nice.
I waited for her to continue. "And?" I snapped.
"Oh, and she's inviting you for a stroll in The Lawn." she giggled.
"Tell her I'll be there in a minute." I drained the glass of juice.
"Come, Rasal." I told and he slithered around my waist.
Lydia was pacing in the corridor, playing with a strand of her white-blonde hair in its usual high pony-tail, a crown of emeralds and diamonds woven into a rose gold band was pressed into her head. She hummed, her back to me. Her dress was a deep purple silk skirt, a black sheer blouse which started at the neck and fell to the wrists. 
I cleared my throat and she turned. "Good morning, Princess Annabelle." 
"Good morning." I bowed my head. "No need to call me princess." I felt a smile curl on my face.
She smiled, as usual. "I thought we could get to know each other." 
"What's there to know?" I shrugged. "My grandmother must have told you every lie she could've come up with about me, no doubt." 
Lydia kept on smiling, almost making me feel bad for her for some reason. I bit my lip as I realized what I had said. I could almost hear Granny yelling at me for exposing her as a liar.
"Well, unfortunately Lady Virgo hasn't told me anything about you." she said.
I snorted, "She's not a Virgo." I said. "Anymore." I added quickly.
"Oh, did your grandparents separate?" she asked, her voice dripping honey. 
I only nodded my head.
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's alright, I never knew he was alive until recently."
Milady! Rasal spat, his dark tongue out and eyes glowing gold. I bit my lip, drawing blood. It's a good thing my lipstick is red. Lydia ignored my comment, pretending as though I hadn't said anything wrong.
"I mean," I started, trying to cover it up. "I was always told that the only thing separating my grandparents was life and death. My grandmother told me he had died and I was naive enough to believe her."
Miss Ophiuchus, are you in your senses? Rasal scolded.
I'm sorry, I cursed in Latin, for only Rasal to hear. 
"Are you alright?" Lydia questioned. We were out the doors now, even in March it was freezing.
"It's still the same." Lydia sighed.
"What's the same?"
"The weather." She looked up at the yellow sky with a green blush. "Mother told me that at the last council meeting our engineers told us that The Dome is broken and now we might have a problem with time regulation."
The Dome was the only thing that gave us a close experience of all four seasons but recently it hadn't been functioning properly and had to be shut down. Now we would be plunged into eternal winter. How nice. It had snowed a few days ago and I think it was going to today. I was there at the council meeting but Lydia, Queen Sophie and I didn't really speak. We were the only women on the council and we were kept for moral support. I felt disgusted with myself for staying quiet about it.
"That explains the color of the sky." I looked up. "It didn't change that much. Now it goes red from time to time."
Another statement I shouldn't have said.
"That's because of the shooting Stars." Lydia coughed, trying to defend her father's mistakes.
"You mean stolen Stars." I corrected, venom in my tone. 
Milady, you are one insult away from starting another war! Rasal scolded.
Excuse me, I didn't start the first one, I retorted. But I probably should've kept that to myself.
"Let's walk." I turned towards the white gates leading to The Lawn. Stargazer Lilies planted everywhere gave me a sense of security, their bright pink and orange petals coated with golden stardust.
"Your province is generous for sending the first batch of Stargazer Lilies to the palace." Lydia snapped me back. "Mother personally thanked Lord Virgo last night and complimented him on the beautiful flowers."
"They're my favourite." is all I could say.
"I read somewhere that if you burn a Stargazer Lily it's ashes will be red." Lydia quoted.
"Why do you know that?" I wondered.
She chuckled, covering her mouth. "I just read a fact." she smirked. 
"Who would burn such a beautiful thing?" I brushed my fingers on the flowers.
"For experiment," she started. "You'd be surprised at how many people would burn what."
"That is terrifying." I decided.
"Anyways," she said. "Did you ever think you'd become a princess?"
I actually gagged, "Please don't call me that." I begged. "I don't think of myself as a princess, or royalty or even a Hydra. I don't even accept my marriage."
Milady, I think it's best if you let her do the talking, Rasal suggested. I bit my lip again.
"One thing you are by blood and Constellation is: you are a descendant of the Twelve Major Constellations so you're a lady."
"I know that but I never really thought of it that way." I hesitated. "I wasn't raised in a mansion or my family's manner. When I was two years old my grandmother brought me to Hydrus while my Dad lived in Virgus. I only made occasional trips for special events and even then I was locked up with a maid to watch me."
"I'm sorry." she frowned. After a while she spoke, "Alec isn't as bad as you might think."
"Really?" I regretted saying that. Rasal hissed.
If I could facepalm myself, I would, he said. He tightened around my waist, making my meal churn.
I thought you didn't care about any Hydra's feelings, I almost spoke out loud. 
I don't but I think you're forgetting that one wrong word can have you thrown in the dungeons, he reminded me.
"I mean, sure he's short-tempered, vile, easily irritated, impatient but on top of all that he's handsome and charming." she squeaked. I looked at her like she was stupid.
I cleared my throat, searching for a comeback.
"Annabelle, you don't understand. Our marriages aren't like what you have with that Capricorn boy." she interrupted. I choked, feeling like I might actually throw up.
"Oh, you know about that?" the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.
What must I do with you? Rasal worried.
"It's that obvious?" I almost shrieked.
"Yes, but you can't think about him anymore." she said quickly. "I apologize for my bluntness but I don't want my family to be ruined."
I blinked. Lydia sighed, "Yes, I consider you a part of my family." She rolled up her tight sleeve, revealing the Hydra Sign. "This means you're part of this family." 
The Hydra Sign on my other wrist seemed to burn. I wanted to scratch it off.
"I never wanted to be." I clenched my fists, tears hanging on my lashes.
"You can't go back now." 
If she was trying to comfort me, she wasn't very good at it.
"Excuse me." I said and retreated to my room. Lydia called after me but even in heels I managed to run.
"Out!" I demanded my maids. Their eyes widened at my behaviour and they ran out the back door.
Rasal, I don't feel so good.
I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that, he started.
Putting a hand over my stomach, I thought, Rasal
I have an idea, Rasal told. His eyes closed and he entered my head and poured his plan to me. 
That’s a great plan but what did you want to talk to me about?
That’s not important and-Rasal hissed.
Are you okay? I asked. Rasal was quiet for a long time. I snapped up and turned to his bed. Eyes closed and his scales glistening gold and green with the Ophiuchus Sign glowing. 
His eyes flew open, I just got a message from the Star Spirits of Gemini. 
Since Rasal is the Star Spirit of Ophiuchus living inside of a serpent he can communicate with other Star Spirits and convey messages.
What did they say? 
They have requested something from you, Rasal slithered onto my bed.
That is? I prompted. Don't hesitate, spit it out.
They want you to study more about the Gemini Disorder to help Lady Gemini, he informed. My insides churned and my chest felt hot.
Is Lyra okay?
I'm afraid not, Rasal said. She is suffering from split personality disorder and it's getting worse. They said to learn what you can from the Grand Library at the palace and I'll convey the information to them and they will communicate that to Lady Gemini through her dreams.
I spent hours in the library with old books and only found disturbing images about the Gemini Disorder. Rasal kept getting messages from the Gemini Star Spirits. 
Those two are a pain, Rasal complained. Castor and Pollux cannot stop bickering!
Who? my head snapped up.
The Star Spirits of Gemini, of course. Rasal told.
They have names? I was amazed.
Yes, we all have names. He sounded offended. 
Why do you think that a Star Spirit would be nameless?
No, it's just that the Star Spirit of Virgo didn't tell me her name. 
Rasal coughed, I felt like he was avoiding to tell me something but I didn't push. 
Lady Aries, Lord Cancer and Lord Sagittarius are working on Project Gemini, trying to fix Lady Gemini. Castor and Pollux haven't directly spoken to Lady Gemini but they do want to help her, Rasal continued. They are watching over her just like all the other Star Spirits do with the successors of their Constellations. They want to help.
I'm trying to get as much information as I can, I told.
I'll give them a report when you're done, Rasal said.
I almost gagged at the disturbing images that were printed on the pages. One body with two heads, splitting it's parts to make another version of it. Two rival personalities battling each other. It was revolting. One dark, one light. One nice, one mean. One good, one bad. One gentle, one harsh. But I assumed that Anthony, Amara and Lewis must have already figured that out. I needed real information. Usually I would've found studying boring but I hadn't nothing to do and I wanted to be useful by helping Lyra. 
"The Gemini Disorder had been going on since the beginning of Stellaregno, since the very first Gemini was created by the Stars..."
I gave myself a headache committing the words to memory and taking advantage of the connection between me and Rasal, letting the information flow into his mind. 
"...Gemini Disorder or more commonly known as split-personality disorder is a tumor in the brain; frontal lobe of a heir of Gemini. The frontal lobe controls, personality, decision-making and reasoning. If a Gemini is highly influenced by this disorder these parts of them will be affected the most."
I flipped through more pages.
"Though researchers say that only a Gemini not born a twin will have the Gemini Disorder, we are still not sure of this. The heirs of Gemini agree with the statement above but for aeons this has been a controversial topic. They even consider a Gemini Single (without a twin, opposite half) as bad luck-" I rolled my eyes at that. "Normally, split-personality disorder would be curable for anyone who doesn't have stardust from Gemini running through their blood but for a descendant of the Constellation it is impossible to ever be rid of such a thing."
Well, this was a waste of time, Rasal hissed disappointedly.
"Not really." I said, almost inaudible.
Oh, Rasal spoke in Latin. How so?
I don't know, I protested. I just feel like there's more to this.
Then let's continue, Rasal agreed.
I finished one book, then another. The others looked helpful but they were in Ancient Greek and Latin. Good thing I was a natural in those two languages. The words solidified into my mind and memory. And I gave them to Rasal for backup.
"...Some say this disorder affects all Geminis. They could have two lists of opposite traits fixed in their frontal lobes and they subconsciously may not be able to decide which traits to enhance permanently, this is due to the tumor in the frontal lobe which controls decision-making. One personality is aware of this disorder, the other isn't. Geminis are born with this problem, it may not seem substantial during a Gemini's childhood but it gets worse by the years, though the person suffering from it may not be aware of the other persnality's voice haunting their mind."
"I think we have enough." My voice echoed in the room. A velvet curtain was draped over the floor-to-ceiling windows. The lamps were enough for me to read with ease. Tutors and librarians roamed the halls, maids dusted the shelves and organized books alphabetically. 
Should I transfer the information, milady? 
Yes, please do, as soon as you can. 
Rasal's eyes closed. He didn't open them until I got to my bedchamber. His head was on my shoulder and his tail glued to my back.
That was quick, I said.
Yes, well Castor and Pollux are intelligent but they don't have anything better to do, Rasal complained.
I thought Star Spirits are supposed to be guiding us, I recalled. They could've just given Lyra the information themself. Why did they ask us?
See, milady, the thing is that for aeons no one has found a cure for this because there is no cure for the Gemini Disorder. He spoke from memory, Castor and Pollux knew this but they want their heirs and the descendants of the other Constellations to find the answers on their own. Though they could've made it easier but telling us beforehand.
I can't imagine what Lyra must be going through, I sighed. Rasal, go lie down. I have some work to do.
He obeyed and I retreated to the balcony. My maids had not yet returned, perhaps I was a bit too harsh on them. I stepped into the cold air, with nothing to conceal myself from the weather. I closed my eyes and called the Star Spirit.
"You called," she said as her white ghostly image appeared in front of me. She smirked, "Nice dress."
"I need your help," I said, ignoring her comment.
She rolled her eyes, "Always help." She huffed. "You never call me to ask how I'm doing."
I sucked in a deep breath, "Who are you?" 
She rolled her eyes once more and groaned, "This again, really?"
"Rasal told me that every Star Spirit has a name, what's yours?" I crossed my arms hoping that I looked dominating.
"Is this because you found out that Gemini has Star Spirits called Castor and Pollux?" she tried to change the subject.
"Yes," I snapped. " did you know that?"
"I'm always watching over you," she pointed out. "It's my job."
"Tell me something," I started. "After a person dies can they take on the form and responsibilities of a Star Spirit?"
"They can but only if the current Star Spirit is willing to let them take their place and only of their own Constellation, of course."
"Were you made out of the stardust of Virgo or did you used to be a living person?" I challenged. She gulped nervously.
"It's not necessary that a person has to be dead to become a Star Spirit. Though you would need permission from your Constellations." She bit her lip like she regretted those words. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to convince you to take my place. That's against the rules but I can give you information for your own learning."
"I'm not interested in any of that. I just want to know how you became the Star Spirit."
She was reluctant but I watched as she transformed in front of me. Her golden-silver hair-now the color of coffee- untied from it's braid, the crown on her brow disappeared. White dress replaced by jeans and a white hoodie. Her dark eyes flashed in front of mine. She looked familiar, I couldn't quite decipher who she resembled. High cheekbones, permanently flushed face with thin lips and a small forehead. Though she looked like an average girl now she still seemed like a ghost, like if I touched her my hand would pass right through.
"I never met you when I was a human." she smiled wistfully. "I dedicated myself to Virgo and the Star Spirit at that time gave me her form. I've been guiding young maidens like you for as long as I can remember."
I blinked, "I have no idea what you mean."
"So they never mentioned me?" she lifted her eyebrows but she was expecting it, no doubt. She sighed, "I was fifteen years old when I made my choice. Mother and Father didn't agree, though I convinced Father he was still upset. Mother pretended as if her only child was Antonio-" my mouth fell open at Dad's name. "-I can't blame him for pretending like I never existed. His little sister was gone forever."
I was at a loss for words. 
"No one asked about me since it was rude and disrespectful to talk about a family member who had turned into a Spirit of their Constellation." she continued, smirking. "I've watched over all the Virgos. I kept an eye on Mother even after she and Father divorced and she was dethroned as a Virgo."
"Woah." is all I could manage. "That's really...absurd."
Her smile faltered. "Is that how you greet your only aunt?"
"Don't say that,” I pleaded, speaking too quickly. I blinked, staring at the marble floor where blue stardust was sprinkled and more fell from the Star Spirit. I saw her in a different way now. Calling her aunty would be disorienting. I stared at her for way too long, she looked like a younger version of Granny except much prettier.
"How come Dad or Granny never talked about you?" I said to no one in particular. "Gramps didn't mention you either."
"They don't like talking about me," she repeated. "I left at an early age, while I was still young and pledged myself to Virgo. Your mother didn't know about me. She never met me until she passed and I only contacted her through the Star Spirit of Ophiuchus, Rasal at the time he wasn't in his serpent form. Eloise was just as surprised as you."
"I have no idea how to feel about this," I decided.
"I watched over you the most after Eloise died, on her request I protected you and spoke to you through your dreams." My insides churned at the implication. "I was hurt when Father left right after Eloise died,
I spoke to him and still do, he said that he'd come back for you one day and he kept his promise. Mother wants nothing to do with me."
"Before she had you to annoy she was always pressuring me to get into the Hydra bloodline. At that time, Prince Jaxon was way too old for me but it's not like Mother cared about age-" I snorted at that. "Alas, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to become a Star Spirit. After much argument only Father accepted and one night I dissolved into stardust and the Starlight from Virgo disintegrated the current Star Spirit and mixed my stardust and created a new form."
"Wow." I breathed. "That must have been hard for you. To leave everything behind."
"I was sad to leave Father," she stated. "Antonio wasn't really a great sibling. He was always trying to succeed in life and get rich. Working and studying. I hardly saw him. Mother was..."
"I know." I laughed and she joined in. 
"I feel bad for you." she joked. "She drilled rules and regulations into me and made me walk in tall shoes while wearing huge skirts and tight corsets. Not to mention, my diet plan and how to walk, talk, sit and dress."
"I can relate."
"So, I should call you aunty now?" I smiled.
"Since every Star Spirit has a name, I'll give you mine." she breathed. "Virginia."
I almost laughed. "Virginia Virgo." We both smiled. "What a coincidence."
"Actually, it's not," she spoke. "Father planned the name. Virgo sent him a revelation that it would be a girl and that's the first name that popped in his head."
"Well, I'm sure you've heard about Hope." I recalled.
"Yes," she nodded. 
"But, you know?" I asked.
"Yes," she closed her eyes and opened them after a few seconds. 
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just remembered something Father had told me a few nights ago. I've been so busy with this war and saving Stars that I completely forgot about it."
She changed form and whispered into my ear.
"That's exactly what I was thinking!"
You mean, that's exactly what I told you, Rasal hissed.
"So, you can help me with it?" I asked.
"I can but as Rasal suggested it would only be an incentive for Jaxon to demolish the rebel camp if you left." She grabbed my shoulders tightly, "We will only use this plan when you have to flee during an emergency."
I nodded my head. She closed her eyes again. "I got a message from the Star Spirit of Capricorn," she told. "Perfect timing. Tristan contacted you through him and asked him to tell me to deliver this message to you."
"That's complicated." I decided. Too bad I'm not allowed to keep a phone with me.
"Tristan wants to know how you're doing." she grinned from ear to ear.
"Tell him I'm trying to get out of here and I'm working on helping Lyra." I said, almost inaudible.
"Hmm." is all she said. 
"Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to go and process everything that you just told me."
She laughed at that, "We're a complicated family, aren't we?"

"His Highness, Prince Alec has requested you to come to dinner...alone." Both my maids eyed Rasal worriedly. I stared at the floor, deciding.
I can stay behind, Rasal offered. We're connected so I can keep an eye on you even when you're not...
I know, I snapped.
Mandy looked like she wanted to protest but I was out the door with Rasal slithering around me. I'll show him. I'll show them all. 
All that confidence better not be washed away when you see his intimidating expression, Rasal warned as I was headed down the stairs.
Alec was furious, he glanced at me while I was still in the doorframe. He got to his feet and discreetly marched towards me. He grabbed my arm tightly, I was afraid he would break my bone. 
"I told your maids to keep that reptile in your room." His nostrils flared, his eyes were so wide that I thought they would pop out of their sockets.
"Leave. That. Thing," he demanded.
"What is your problem?" I said through gritted teeth. "What has gotten into you?"
"Do as I say," he ordered.
So much for trying to be friends. Only Lydia and Keegan looked over their shoulders. They looked sympathetic but Sophie and Jaxon pretended like everything was fine.
"If you won't listen I'll have to force you," he threatened.
"I'm not yours, I don't have to listen to you." I tried to be free of his grip but he only tightened. "Let me go!" I whispered loudly.
He ignored me, pulling me away and practically dragged me upstairs. We cornered a hallway where he lectured me like I was his servant.
"Now you have to listen and do as I say." he spat. "Your Father sold you to me and that means you are now a princess so start acting like it."
"I don't care, okay?" Rasal hissed at him but I demanded him to stop. 
This is my fight, I told him.
He raised his hand but I didn't yelp or cry when it collided with my face. The sound echoing in the hall.
He grabbed my hair, ruining the updo and spoke into my ear. His words are almost unclear, "You'll get a lot more of those if you don't do as I say."


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