Part 3

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In the morning...

Thunder wakes up

Thunder: *yawn* good morning snowy!

Snowy wakes up

Snowy: *yawn* g-good morning..

Thunder: Moonlight when are we going to get there?

Moonlight: at 10 am!

Thunder: alright and it's 7:48..?

Snowy: what are we going to do in these hours..

Thunder: don't know..

Heart: hey guys how are you guys doing back there?

Thunder: we're fine just leave us-

Ocean: so want to hang out when we get to Hawaii?

Snowy: i-i don't know...

Ocean: oh come on it will be fine!

Snowy: ...

Thunder: snowy?

Snowy: s-sorry but I can't hangout with you guys....

Heart: oh come on why not?

Snowy: i-its none of your business!

Snowy look behind and sees her sister

Ocean: it is bc your sister you know she can hangout with flame..

Snowy: .... I-i just don't want t-to...

Heart: why not?

Snowy: I said I don't want to ok!

Heart: geez calm down..

Snowy: ...

Thunder: hey you ok?

Snowy: I just don't want to talk ok?

Thunder: alright then..?

Snowy looks behind at her sister and puts her ears In her cheeks

Thunder looks at her

Thunder: ....

9:38 am...

Thunder: umm.. Snowy?

Snowy: hey?

Thunder' do you what to talk or what?

Snowy: umm sure I guess...

Thunder: why did you feel sad when you said that you didn't want to hang out with heart and ocean?

Snowy: i-its.. I'll tell you later alright?

Thunder: alright..

Hello passengers you know where we are? In Hawaii! We're here so we can all leave now thank you for your own nicest!

Moonlight: come on guys we're going now!

All: alright!

When they got Moon light's family house...

Moonlight knocks on the door

Someone answers it

???: moonlight!

Moonlight: hey mom how are been?

Moonlights mom is called Moon

Moon: im fine!

Moonlight: that's nice and I bought some friends with us to stay if you don't mind!

Moon: of course not I don't mind you guys are staying for 2 months here right?

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