Part 12 (End)

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Hey people just want to say that I'm still gonna continue Behind The Darkness but first this story is going to finish soon and it's going to become an end and after I'm don't with this story I'm going to work on the other story cuz I don't want to mess up things and that so hope you guys don't mind! Don't forget to ask some questions in my DA (Deviant art) cuz I'm doing Q&A in my DA So ya and my username is LazuliNotCool so go and watch me! Let's just continue with the story!

Snowy POV

So me and lily were walking in town until I saw an shiny vaperion and I started crying because it was lost long cousin...


Snowy: m-mommy?

Flower: is mommy breathing?!

Snowy: n-no she's dead...

Snowy sees her oldest cousin getting attacked and snowy wanted to go to her but her mother talked 

S&F Mother: p-please protect your sister from bad things and d-do not let anyone do s-something to her okay s-snowy...

Snowy: o-okay u love you m-mommy!

Flower: me too!

S&F Mother: I love you both too not run!

Flower: okay! Sis let's go!

Snowy: what about our cousin?!

Flower: she's dead now..

Snowy: n-no!

Flower: let's go sis!

Snowy: okay!

Snowy takes flower by her paw and runs away

*End Of Flashback*

Lily: Mommy?

Snowy: huh? Oh umm yeah?

Lily: why are you crying?

Snowy: i-its because my long lost cousin she's right there...

Lily: let's go with her!

Snowy:... O-okay

Snowy went to her cousin named pearl and went and hugged her

Pearl: umm who are you and stop hugging me you stranger?!

Snowy: w-what do you mean by stranger do you even remember me?

Pearl: wait... S-snowy?

Snowy: yes?

Pearl goes and hugs snowy tightly

Pearl: I can believe I found you I was always finding you but there was no signal of you and your sister...

Snowy: yes I know I was finding you too!

Pearl: the good thing you and your sister are alive..

Snowy: yeah I thought you were dead and I was sad..

Pearl: it's okay I'm here now..

Snowy: yeah...

Pearl: so~ have you found a boyfriend yet?

Snowy: umm yes I have one now..

Pearl: who is it?

Snowy: his name is thunder and he's kind cute and-

Pearl: hot?

Snowy turned red and told her cousin pearl

Snowy: pearl!

Pearl: so he is hot to you?

Snowy: fine yes he is..

Pearl: Oooo~

Snowy: stop that pearl!

Pearl: sorry..

Snowy: do you want to come to me and my family and friends tree house?

Pearl: sure! Let me call my son first!

Snowy: alright!

Pearl: lighty!

Snowy Mind: d-did she just say lighty?!

Lily: mommy?

Snowy: yeah?

Lily: is lightly my cousin now?

Snowy: i-i think so?

Lightly came to us and hugged us but mostly lily and we all went to the treehouse and when I opened the door and Snowy saw her sister, Flame, Thunder, Moonlight, Heart, and Whitey and when Flower saw Pearl she went and hugged her and cried we all hugged whitey and Lighty were looking at each other and gaved a high five and when everything went back to normal Heart just gaved up on thunder and went with a Shiny Sylveon and they're were dating and Moonlight and Dark were together, Flame and Flower, Lily and Whitey were best friends and always hangout with Lighty and we were all happy and who was ocean with you know who Shadow~ And they all live in a good future and a happy ending The End!

me: I know I know it sucks but I really needed my fingers to take a break and have more ideas! Two stories already end so now lets have for ideas for another story! Oh and dont forget to ask some questions below for my Deviant Art! You may comment whatever you want and My username is LazuliNotCool Thank You! Bye!

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