Part 7

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Hey guys I just want to say that thank you for the votes and that you guys get confused by a lot of POV and sorry about that an different hope you don't mind if I will put POV now thank you!

Snowy POV

So I woke up an hour and half and I went out of the room and saw nobody in the kitchen and the only one I saw was lily sleeping in the couch I almost went out until I heard something that said please don't leave mommy I was shocked when I heard that and I went to her and sit in the couch and I said to her I promise I won't leave you until she woke up and hugged me and I hugged her back I told her if she wanted to see my sister flower and she said yeah and she asked me if I would let her get in my back and I said sure and there we went to find my sister

Lily POV

I had a bad dream that my mommy left me and I had to stay with daddy and with big sis heart and made me call her mommy until the dream stopped bc mommy snowy told me in the ear that she will never leave me and that's when I woke up and hugged her but I did not tell her about the dream but I'm still sad that my only best friend is gone and I only have my family...

Flower POV

I was talking to flame in the bench until I saw my sister coming to us with lily on top of her head and when she came she wanted to go and hangout with me and flame to the park and with lily too and I said sure and same with flame and she told me that she wanted to take thunder too so she went to thunder and ask him

Thunder POV

Meanwhile i was talking to Shadow and dark I saw snowy coming to me and with lily in her head and she told me if I wanted to go to the park with lily, flower and flame and I said sure cuz I didn't wanted to stay here being bored and talking all day then we went and I didn't saw heart no where that's the good thing..

Snowy POV

While we were walking I saw thunder quite sad and I just spoke up to him

Snowy: what's wrong?

Thunder: nothing...

Snowy: alright then...

When we got there i saw a lot of Pokemon having fun chilling and working I was surprised that all these Pokemon have fun here lily told us that she wanted to go to the park and I said sure! So she went and flame and my sister went somewhere for me and thunder to talk now I was quiet until thunder spoke up and told me that if I wanted to go to the ice cream shop cuz he know it was my favorite and I said yeah! So we went he was happy and when hes around heart he's not and I asked him what did you felt without me and hanging out heart he told me that without me wasn't fun and happy and when he was around heart he gets quite mad at her and sad at the same time and he get frustrated at her by not letting him out of her ribbons and  I was kinda blushing but he did noticed I was and I went hugged him and he hugged me back too and when we both finished our ice cream I was on top of him and we went and looked for lily and he was playing with someone and it was an eevee too and he looked  familiar and it was Lily's friend and when lily saw us she went and hugged us and her friend was just there watching us hugging and until lily broke the hug she introduced her new friend but some how he looked familiar to someone and he did looked like my cousin that die a long time ago and his name Lighty but he was a shiny eevee and my cousin was too she was an vaperion but light purple And no almost forgot about her but lighty made me feel familiar to my cousin that died a long time ago while in the fight... And I said to lighty nice to meet you same with thunder and lily told us if she and lighty can play more and we said sure  cuz flower and flame were taking forever to come back meanwhile i laying down in Thunder's shoulder until I saw heart when she saw me and thunder together she was mad at thunder and she went to us and grabbed thunder her ribbons I fell down  and my head was hurting and I got mad at heart and thunder was mad at her too and heart let go of thunder rand got hit in his face on the floor I used Ice beam on heart and she dodged it and just ran back home I saw thunder trying to get up and I helped him and the good thing he had banegedes in his white fur and I out on him after I did I put it in paw too cuz it hurted when my sister and flame came we left with lily and she said good bye to her friend and tomorrow he's going to a water park hope we see him there...

Thunder POV

Meanwhile snowy was in my shoulder heart saw us together and she grabbed me by her ribbons and let me go cuz I got mad at her and she got mad at me too and the good thing I bandenges in my white fur and snowy Bandenged me and she Bandenged herself cuz her paw hurted after flower and flame came and we called lily that were leaving so we left when we got home at afternoon nobody was in the house or even outside they left a note that says

Hey guys we went to a restaurant and at night were going to a night club hope you join us this is where it is ****** hope you join us - Moonlight~

I was kinda weird they never went to a night club before well I don't feel like going same with the others they don't want to go so we ate something and went to our rooms and snowy realise that lily is going to be alone at night so we brought her in our room and she felt asleep she was cute when she slept and I remember that I wanted to confessed her so I told her that she wanted to go outside with me and she said sure so we went outside and she was confused and that...

Snowy POV

So when we got back we went to our rooms and lily was alone so we let her in our room and she fell asleep and then thunder ask me if I wanted to go outside with him and I said sure and that how we ended up

Thunder: snowy?

Snowy: y-yes?

Thunder goes and grabs snowy paws and tell her

Thunder: you know I had feelings for you when we both met we always hangout and that you made me happy and i-i made you happy too! You're the most beautiful girl I have ever met and even a cute one and I know you dont feel the same as I do but will you be my g-

Snowy went and kissed him in the lips thunder kissed her back and snowy broke the kiss and said yes I'll be you girlfriend and then they both hugged and went to their room and slept with lily and flame and flower fell asleep too and the others came back at middle of the night and went to sleep and heart wasn't asleep she was mad at snowy and she will make thunder hers soon~
Will lily see her friend whitey again and why does snowy sees lighty familiar and is flower and flame going to confessed each other let's see in the next chapter!

The story doesn't end...

To be continued...

Bye people be safe! 💖

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