Part 5

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In the morning...

Thunder wakes up

Thunder: *yawn* ?

Thunder sees snowy

Thunder mind: I can't believe what happened yesterday at night and I'm still shocked I kissed her and it was my first kiss... But looking at her she looks cute when she sleeps...

Thunder: let's just let her sleep..

Thunder gets off the bed and leaves the room

Thunder: ?

Flame: oh hey big bro!

Thunder: hey?

Flame: how's snowy doing?

Thunder: she's fine I guess?

Flame: so you like her?

Thunder blushes

Thunder: umm n-no!

Flame: you know you can tell me?

Thunder: fine I do but.. Don't you think she won't like me back?

Flame: of course she will! Either ways she always hugs you and lays on you!

Thunder: well you're right!

Flame: when are you going to tell her?

Thunder: umm probably today night or tomorrow night?

Flame: well you should tell her today!

Thunder: same with you?

Flame: oh right!

Thunder: but I still can't believe I kissed her..

Flame: oh just forget about it!

Thunder: alright then..

Later on...

Moonlight: so we're going to the beach who wants to come?

All: (expect snowy) me!

Flower: sis you're not coming?

Snowy: I rather not cuz I'm thinking about something..

Ocean: what are you thinking?

Snowy: .. None of your business..

Heart: you can tell us you know that?

Snowy looks at heart and looks away by saying nothing

Flower: aren't you not coming?

Snowy: no..

Ocean: why not?

Snowy: don't feel like it and hot there..

Flower: okay then!

Snowy looks at flame and grabs in takes him to her room

Snowy: flame?

Flame: umm yeah?

Snowy: you know I trust you and I want you keep my sister away from ocean and heart and not let anyone do anything bad to her and just keep care of her okay!

Flame: alright!

Flame gets out the room and goes with the others

Flower: sis?

Snowy: oh hey do you need anything?

Flower: sis you know I'll will be ok and nobody is not going to do nothing bad to me and you know that..

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