Chapter 5

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"Eomma," The little boy sniffed as he looked at the chubby woman before him with teary eyes.

"What's wrong, Jungshik-ah?" Y/n mouthed as she kneel down in front of the sobbing boy; cupping his tiny face in her chubby hands.

"Eomma," his lips quivered slightly, his nose and cheeks were tainted pink. The boy ran his arms around her shoulder; bursting out crying. The little boy cried, his tears were wetting the fabric of Y/n's shirt.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Y/n mumbled softly; soothing Jungshik a little. Her hands gently stroked his soft pitch black hair; humming a subtle melodious tone.

"M-my friends said I'm an unwanted son," Jungshik stuttered as he gripped onto Y/n's smooth locks. The boy sobbed again; his face was buried further into Y/n's neck.

"T-they said..." Jungshik paused, his breath hitched.

"Daddy did not want me. T-that's why he leave us." Jungshik muffled between his sobs, trying his best to mutter a word clearly.

Y/n just sighed. She pulled away; her hands were on his arm, rubbing it gently.

"Why would they say that?" Y/n cocked her head as she let out a smile.

Jungshik sniffed, his eyes were bloodshot red. He stared at his mother; his tears were still staining his soft

"Remember what daddy said in your birthday card?" Y/n asked.

The little boy nodded softly as his teary eyes met her shiny orbs.

"Don't you remember that he got you a robot last year?" Y/n smiled.

The boy once again nodded his head; his soft locks were bouncing up and down.

"You remember what daddy said in the card?" Y/n lifted her eyebrows. The little boy frowned; trying hard to remember. What was written on that card?

"He said he will be back soon and buy me a lot of toys when he did." The little boy stated; unsure as his little index finger landed on his bottom lip. Y/n just grinned; staring at the little boy in awe.

"Then?" Y/n assured him again; as if they were somehow in a quiz session.

"He said he loved me." Jungshik muttered in monotone. Y/n just nodded vigorously.

The boy suddenly frowned.

"B-but..." He trailed off; there was something that was still bottled up in him.

"When they asked me about daddy's face and name, I couldn't say anything. I never know how he look like or his name was," Jungshik sobbed softly.

"They said you don't want me to know anything about daddy cause you split up with him. Because of that, they assume that daddy don't want me. I am an unwanted son." He cried again; his little hand were brushing his eyelids.

Y/n brought the little boy closer, engulfing him in a big hug. Her heart shattered into several pieces as she heard those words coming out from Jungshik's mouth. Jungshik must be having hard time in school. Besides, he was the only kid that did not have a father in his class.

"I will show you some pictures of me and your appa, okay?" She assured as she gently stroke his soft black hair. Theg boy pulled away in instant; but still standing close to her chest.

"Really?" He asked. Y/n just nodded as she grinned sweetly.

His upset feature were now replaced by a delighted one. The boy grinned, his eyelashes were still wet as his eyes crinkled.

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