Chapter 8

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Previously on Complicated...

"Jungkook?" The female said as she stopped her track.

"Y/n..." Jungkook said in monotone.


Jungkook immediately stood up; staring at the chubby girl before him in awe. His cheeks were in light of pink; still wet from his own tears that coating his cheeks. Jungkook's eyes were bloodshot red; the tip of his nose were covered in pink too. His mouth hung agape; heaving breathlessly.

He marched towards the girl; which scared her a bit. "Look, Jungkook. I'm sorry fo---" Y/n paused as her chubby figure was tackled into a tight hug. Her body tensed; utterly shocked due to the sudden impact.

"I miss you so much," Jungkook sobbed as he dug his face deeper onto her neck. "Where have you gone all this time? I have been searching for you the whole time." Jungkook cried harder; tears were rushing down his cheeks like a waterfall. He was so overwhelmed.

"I'm sorry..." Jungkook managed to say between his sobs, his arms were wounded around her aggressively; pressing some pressure onto her chubby figure. He continued to sobs violently; did not even care if he looked like a maniac.

Y/n just frozed; totally suprised. She had never expected this irruption. This whole situation now was beyond her imagination. "How?" She thought as her mouth were hung agape; unable to utter a single word.

"I'm sorry for being obvilious all this time," Jungkook muttered as his voice shook; completely guilty. "I'm sorry for realizing my true feeling for you so late." He paused. "I'm sory for unable to say I love you with all my heart in the right time." Jungkook bursted crying again; his buff figure shook violently again.

Y/n slowly snaked her arms around him; pulling his closer to her; decreasing their already compact space. Her eyes were welled up with tears; threatening to fall, anytime soon. She was so suprised; overwhelmed with Jungkook's sudden confession.

"I love you so much... I love you with all my heart." Jungkook paused as he regained his breath again.

"I-I'm sorry for being an idiot and realizing it so late and make you left." Jungkook stuttered in his speech due to the cries; he was in a crying mess. He slowly pulled away; staring into Y/n deeply.

"I really msan what I said to you that night. I...," Jungkook stopped abruptly as he took her chubby hands in his; enveloping it. He softly carressed the back of her hands; staring into her glassy eyes with full of passion.

"I love you, Y/n." Jungkook breathed; causing tears to fall across Y/n's cheeks miserably. She was touched.

Jungkook did loved her. He didnt't lie that night. All he said was the truth. How he explained on his adoration of her chubby figure was not a lie. How he said he loved her that night. How she drove him crazy all the time. It was a pure truth. Jungkook really meant those. He never facade anything.

But Y/n was hesitated. She loved him but she was unsure. Was she enough for him? Will she be a good company for him? Will Jungkook and her be a good couple? What everyone would say if he date a chubby girl like her?

"Please take me back. I don't care what people would say about me being with you. You are so ethereal to be seen by those filthy eyes." Jungkook said as he sniffed.

"Please let me love you again. Let me take care of you, shower you with my love. Please love this idiot guy." Jungkook confessed; causing Y/n to let out a giggle.

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