Chapter 6

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Jungkook wandered around the neighbourhood; taking glances on each house to recognize the same number that was written on a small piece of paper in his hand.

He examined each number that was stated on each gates, trying to find the identical number with the one on the paper.

The whole neighbourhood was unfamiliar to him. It was his first time here.

He only came for one reason, to reunite with his love again. He wanted to treasure them with love, with his care. He wanted to get them back into his hold and never let go. Never.

Jungkook held onto the paper tighter; glancing on it from time to time as he examined each shiny black palette that was stuck onto each gates; outside each bungalow in that neighbourhood.

"142, 143, 144. 145! Found it!" Jungkook exclaimed as his eyes glued onto a grey painted bungalow; cornered with gates around it. He sprinted towards the gates; reaching for the doorbell. His big hand stopped right in front of the doorbell; pausing his act.

He took a deep breath, totally nervous.

"This is it, Jungkook. You can do it." He assured himself as he eyed the doorbell again; lifting his hand to reach it. Jungkook pushed the button slightly; earning a click sound.
He nibbled on the soft flesh of his bottom lips as his eyes wandered around the bungalow in front of him. Jungkook tapped his foot nervously onto the hard tarred road. He stayed like that for a few minutes; trying to detect if there was any movement inside the house.

Nothing. Jungkook frowned. He tapped onto the button again; ringing the door bell once again. The answer was the same; nothing. It was nothing.

The bungalow seems to be quiet. There was no hint of living things lived in there. It seems empty; the house was completely blank.

jungkook's gaze now was fixed onto the deserted garage; which was not being filled with any vehicle. His sweats drenched his forehead; probably because of the hot sun that stroked his skin. It was summer. The sun was teasing him.

The heat pierced into his soft sunkissed tanned skin. The muscular man try hard to cold himself by grabbing onto his emerald shirt and moved it forward and backward continuously.

Jungkook tried to tap on the button again; pressing onto the dark grey button countless time. The result was the same; nothing. No response. No figure; there was no sign of peeking household through the window. The bungalow was completely enveloped in silence.

Jungkook huffed; totally frustrated. His eyes were fixed onto the bungalow before him; standing there with his shoulders slumped.

"How can I help you young man?" A woman voice blurted out; making Jungkook flinched in respond. He was totally shocked. He turned his head swiftly to the voice; only seeing a woman in her late 50's standing behind him.

Her raven hair was tied into a bun. There was some lines of greyish strands among her hair; proving his old ages. Her small eyes crinkled slightly as she smiled, sending a gush of sweet and motherly aura to Jungkook.

"Do you know the owner of this house?" Jungkook asked as he pointed towards the grey bungalow before him with his index finger. The middle aged woman paused for a while, examining the house Jungkook was mentioning on.

"Oh, Y/n?" She asked, causing Jungkook to nod vigorously.

"She was probably still at her café. It was not five yet." The woman exclaimed; grinning again right after she finished her words.

"Café?" Jungkook furrowed.

"Yeah, she opened up a cafe two years ago." The old woman smiled.

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