Strange, But Okay - Part 1

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"Okay, is everyone here?" Katy asked. "Yeah!" "Good! PJ and Parappa, you both are going to choose the songs. Paula, you're going to set up the snacks. Matt, you're going to get the balloons. Sunny and I are going to decorate the place," Katy explained.

"PJ, wake up!" Parappa exclaimed. "Hey! Were you two even listening to Katy?" Sunny questioned. "Yeah, we were! Right, PJ?" Parappa responded. "Yeah, we were listening," PJ answered.

"Does everyone know what they're doing?" Katy asked. "Yes!" everyone replied.

Suddenly, Y/N walked into the room. "Hi, everyone! What are you doing here? I didn't know you all were coming over. Also, what were you planning on doing?" Y/N queried. "Um..." "We were doing something," Paula answered. "What?" Y/N asked. "Yeah! We were, uh, doing something! Like Paula said! And your parent(s) invited us!" Parappa agreed, "Isn't that right, everyone?" "Yeah, like Paula said!"

"Okay, then... Also, can I talk to Sunny?" Y/N questioned. "You want to talk to me? Okay," Sunny said as she followed Y/N out of the room. "What did you want to talk about?" Sunny asked. She heard no reply.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Sunny enquired. Y/N lowered her/his/their head and sobbed. "What's wrong, Y/N?" Sunny wondered. "Sunny, why couldn't you just leave us alone?" "...Leave who alone?"

"Why does Parappa like you? Almost everyone in town likes you and..." Y/N sobbed. "He would almost never spend time with me and he would never smile at me the way he smiles at you... Or anyone else for that matter."

"Y/N, Parappa doesn't like me in that way. We're just friends," (said Adrien Agreste - okay, right, that's the only refrence I wanted to put in this oneshot) Sunny explained. Sunny went back into the room.

After a while, Parappa came out and went over to Y/N. "Hey, Y/N, are you okay?" Parappa enquired. Y/N quickly wiped her/his tears and plastered a fake smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling a little ill," Y/N replied.

"Oh, okay! So... Do you want to get some ice-cream (if you're lactose intolerant, pretend that it's lactose-free ice cream)?" Parappa asked. "Sure..." Y/N answered. Y/N stood up and went to get ice-cream with Parappa.

On their way to get ice-cream, Parappa asked," "Y/N, why were you crying earlier?" "I wasn't crying. What are you talking about?" Y/N queried. "You're joking, right? I saw you crying when I went over to talk you," Parappa replied.

"I... I don't want to talk about it, okay?" Y/N responded. "Okay, if you say so. But if you have any problems, you can tell me and the others about it," Parappa told Y/N, wrapping an arm around her/him/them.

Later on, when they got their ice-cream, they started heading back. "Um... Parappa, can I ask you something?" Y/N enquired. "Okay, go ahead," Parappa replied. "Do you... have a crush on Sunny?" Y/N questioned.

"Well, I used to. I really liked her but... I like someone else now."

Nothing hurt Y/N more than hearing that. She/he/they lowered her head and told herself/himself/themself that "This arrangement is fine" and "At least he doesn't like Sunny".

"Who do you like now, then?" Y/N asked. Parappa's face went all red as he replied, "Uh, I'll... tell you later! And I have to check something, so bye!" And, just like that, Parappa ran off.

Y/N sighed and kept walking. I wish he decided to stay for just a bit longer... All of a sudden, Y/N saw Parappa's little sister, Pinto, walk up to him. "Oh! Hi, Pinto! What are you doing here?" Y/N wondered.

"Big brother told me to bring this to you," Pinto replied, holding up a small box, "He also said not to open it until we're back at your house." "Strange, but okay."

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