Okay, before this starts, just to let you all know, I had so many ideas on who were supposed to appear, but they didn't. But eve if they don't appear, they all help build the scene, or something.
But anyways, hope this is alright.
I don't know how long I have been here, but it felt like hours have passed by. I have been crying this entire time, still screaming for help.
The air is cold and my body felt like it was burning from the inside-out.
Suddenly, the pain stopped. But the room got even colder. I shivered. I sensed someone's presence. The room isn't that cold anymore.
A figure stands before me. His appearance, familiar, yet not so.
The figure suddenly glowed. I covered my eyes from the very bright light.
When the light dimmed out, I looked to see the figure, surprised.
There stood, two familiar faces.
The first one was just standing there, staring at me with very cold eyes. The other, looked ready to attack me. Rage in his eyes.
They are mad that I didn't come back. I knew it.
My eyes start to water up again. I sobbed right in front of the two.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. The first figure looked at me, his used to be cold eyes now show such sadness. I looked at the other figure with my blurry vision. The other still seemed to be mad, but it also showed the same emotion from the other.
"I'm sorry." I chocked out. The guy next to me hugged me. I hugged back, after all these years. Tears running down my face as I hug him tightly.
The standing figure just stared at us. I looked into his eyes again, calling him to the group hug. He smile for a second and even took a step or two towards us.
Before he could join the group hug, he looked at me again. His smiled fell.
"You're not him..."
He suddenly pulled the other guy from my grasps. He looked at him, mumbled something that I couldn't understand.
Things happened so quickly. j
Just a second ago, I was on my knees, crying. Now, I'm pinned down by both men. I commanded them to let me go, but the didn't."What has happened to you two?! Why didn't you show up when I called for dinner?! And where are the others?!" I asked them. I noticed their expressions changed.
One of them had a very sad expression, his grip on me loosening, the other, his grip on me strengthen, stinging my left arm and leg.
I got worried. I ignored the pain and asked again, "Where are the others?"
Hoping for a positive response, I stared into the guy's eyes once again.
His eyes, I can see the raging fire in it.
"They're not here." His hold on me became stronger once again. It's best to stop questioning, but I was concerned of the others' status, so I pushed on.
"What do you mean by They're not here?"
I shouldn't have asked.
His fist suddenly collided into the floor. If he were to move it a few centimeters to his right, It would have collided with my face.
I gulped.
"They're gone." His eyes, burning with more rage by the second.
I was about to ask again but he beated me to the answer.
"And it's your fault."
My eyes widen.
"N-no, it can't be... YOU'RE LYING!" I pushed him off him, my strength has finally came back to me.
"DON'T MESS WITH ME, BLAZE. IT'S GOT TO BE A PRANK THAT YOU, CYCLONE AND THORN CAME UP WITH!" I yelled at the figure, knowing that he used to do it with them back when we were younger.
"I wish it is. But after a lot of growning up, it's all real." Blaze said.
No, please! This has got to be just a dream! A very bad nightmare!
I stepped back.
Why did I have to leave them...
They died, because I left...
Now it's just the three of us...
"No, it's just the two of us, in one..." The other guy finally spoke up. My thoughts are loud, that's for sure.
"I-Ice? W-What do y-you mean?" I turned my head to the said person. Suddenly, the bright light came back, I cover my eyes again from the brightness.
As it disappeared once more, I looked at where both Blaze and Ice were supposed to be standing. They weren't there, but the first person I saw from before.
It took a while before it clicked into my mind.
"W-Wait, i-is t-that you? B-Blaze? I-Ice?" I questioned the figure in front of me. His eyes are now staring into my very soul.
"Yes, but like this, I'm Frostfire, the fusion of both Blaze and Ice. Now tell us why you are here?" It was hard to form words because of who is standing in front of me.
Gibberish words spilt out of my mouth.
"Come on now, no rush."
"B-but, how?! How were you able to fuse?!" I asked him.
"I asked first, you answer my question. Why. Are. You. Here?"
I gulped. he is just Blaze and Ice, no need to freak out or anything, I know he would understand.
"I c-came home... Surprise?" I said with a very sheepish smile.
He doesn't look convinced. Was it something from what I said beforehand?
He suddenly looked me in the eye once more. Is there really something in my eyes that's weird?
After a few seconds of him looking at me, he suddenly pounced to attack.
I was able to react in time and dodge the attack.
His expression changed for a second. But before I could read his face, his expression changed back as quickly as it changed prior.
"You shouldn't have gone there. DID YOU EVEN KNOW WHO WAS BEHIND THE PLACE YOU WENT TO?!"
I was about to reply to his question when I realized, he was right. Who was behind the organization?
The main organizer disappeared without a trace a few years back. They appointed me as the new leader there. But I never really got to meet the guy behind the program.
I scoffed, "Like you would know, he has been missing for a few years already, nobody knew who it really was, the only thing that is his i-" I was cut off by Frostfire, throwing a small box to me.
I looked back at him, confused.
"Open it"
And so, I did. And what I saw inside made me widen my eyes.
I was actually planning on finishing this book on this chapter, but my brain gave me such "wonderful" ideas to add to this book.
I really want to finish this as soon as possible, to write a newer book, with probably a more planned out plot, unlike this one. What was supposed to be a one-shot, turned into a two-parter, and suddenly into three parts.
I also thought of toning down the supposed angst in here. Since, I have plans for the ending...
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. (In which I didn't enjoy rereading it, but writing is really fun)

Years Gone By (A Boboiboy Elemental Fiction)
Fiksi PenggemarMy first book! Also a part of a contest... Why did I do this to myself?! Then again, if there is a contest that I can join, and is something that I at least have knowledge in, I'LL JOIN IT. Anyways, the story description is in the book. Really don'...