A Day Like Any Other

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Mitsuki didn't mind. He never minded. His world was like a never ending parade of things that didn't matter. He didn't understand why people made such a big deal about things that made no difference in the end. In his eyes, there was only one thing that mattered. One person, specifically. Boruto, larger than life, blindingly bright, his beloved Sun. He loved nothing more than to watch this strange and beautiful being. For him, Mitsuki would go anywhere, do anything. That's why he now found himself in thick treetops, following Boruto and Sarada on their most recent mission.

The mission had been straight forward enough. Find the rouge ninja and bring them back to the village. Simple. Except there was a lot of information missing. Things like the ninja's name, origin, appearance, fighting style... The only thing they really had was a rumor of a masked man circulating in the local village. This gave Mitsuki pause but Boruto wasn't concerned. He was confident they would be able to get this done in no time. Despite Boruto's contagious optimism, the Hokage had urged caution. The happenings in the reports were odd to say the least. There were only two cases. Caravans carrying essential supplies for the village had gone missing only to reappear days later with nothing but the clothes on their backs and no memory of how they got there.

Despite the troubling details or lack thereof, Boruto had insisted that there was no need to worry. Normally, they would go with Konohamaru but he was away on an S-ranked mission and would be gone for weeks. Boruto was sure they wouldn't need him and wasn't shy in saying so. Naruto was reluctant, ever cautious for his foolhardy son, but privately he did agree. Despite the holes in information, there was nothing to suggest this was anything other than a case of petty theft so this was still ranked a C-class mission. The team was allowed to go without a Jonin.

Mitsuki had listened more closely to the Hokage's warnings. He trusted Boruto completely but he still liked to be cautious in case his Sun overlooked something, which was often the case. However, there really wasn't anything else to the mission so they had left immediately for the village of the last known sighting. They traveled in relative silence but Mitsuki didn't mind. He never minded. As long as he could bathe in Boruto's golden glow, he didn't much care what they did or how they did it. He was happy. He always went along with what Boruto wanted because it made Boruto happy and if he was happy, then Mitsuki was happy. It wasn't necessarily that Mitsuki didn't have a preference, he had a will of his own after all. It was just that Boruto's happiness was his preference. To bask in the light of Boruto's smile was his will and he didn't much care how he got there.

His team just didn't understand this, though. They were obsessed with his preferences; incessantly preoccupied with what his decision would be. It didn't bother him too much. He guessed it was to be expected after the Land of Earth incident. Now they always consulted him before making any decision, offering him option after option but his answer was always the same. If Boruto was happy, then he was happy. They had gone with it in the past but now it saddened his Sun. Mitsuki was blindsided the first time this had happened. Why would it make Boruto sad? It was simply the truth.

"Isn't there anything you want?" Boruto had asked, carefully stressing the 'you' in his sentence as he looked at Mitsuki with honest concern. They had been at at Boruto's usual burger restaurant trying to decide what to eat and Mitsuki honestly did not care. It wasn't that he didn't like the place or the food, he just really didn't see why he should care. Did it not all serve the same function? Every place to eat was the same to Mitsuki, so as long as Boruto liked the place, what did it matter where he ate? What did matter was his Sun was not shining brightly anymore and something had to be done and fast. Awkwardly, Mitsuki pointed at a colorful picture of a burger, then looked to his Sun for approval. The frown was still in place.

"Mitsuki, that's really what you want?" Boruto asked apprehension written on his face. Mitsuki gave him his most reassuring smile.

"Yes Boruto, I believe I would like to try that one." It wasn't a lie. He hadn't tried that one before. Boruto beamed and Mitsuki smiled genuinely, enjoying the light. What he cared about was Boruto and if having an opinion on what he ate was what it took to make his Sun happy, then Mitsuki would oblige. He felt like it was the least he could do.

Mitsuki knew that Boruto blamed himself entirely for his flight to the Land of Earth but he had no idea why. He didn't believe that Boruto was to blame at all. It had been all Mitsuki's decision. He had been concerned that the Constructs could be a genuine threat to the village and therefore Boruto. His parent had warned him of such possible threats and he had to learn more about them to assure the safety of his new home. Also, he had been curious about them. He had never heard of there being other beings like himself and he couldn't fight the curiosity completely. Lastly, the idea of Impression had shaken him to his core. He loved Boruto, this much he knew, but he had to know if the love he felt was truly a result of his own will or if it had been planted within him by his parent. Yes, there had been times before when he had felt alone, watching his Sun from a distance and wishing for a way to close the distance but he didn't begrudge him for it. Boruto was simply being himself. He hadn't really understood how Mitsuki felt and even if he did, it didn't matter. Mitsuki's love for his Sun was unconditional. He loved him exactly as he was and would never ask him to change.

Now, he was confident. Even if the initial emotions had been implanted, he knew now that the feelings he had for Boruto where his own. He loved Boruto because it was his choice to. This had been equally relieving and terrifying for Mitsuki. When it was all over, would Boruto allow him to come back? He was frightened that he wouldn't want him back and what right had he to complain if he didn't? Yes, he had had to know, needed to find himself but he had still selfishly abandoned Boruto without so much as a goodbye. When Boruto had come for him anyway, placing himself in very real danger, Mitsuki had no choice but to attack him. It tore his heart apart to do it but he had convinced himself it was necessary to save Boruto. If he hadn't, he would never have been able to do it. No, Mitsuki had no right to ask Boruto to let him come back, to remain by his side. He had known it would be goodbye when he met him at sunset, but Boruto had surprised him yet again. Somehow, he forgave Mitsuki and welcomed him home. Mitsuki had never been so touched. Boruto had forgiven the unforgivable and had even beckoned him to come closer.

A realization came to him then. Boruto may have always been Mitsuki's sun, but in the time they were together Mitsuki had become Boruto's moon. The moon may become empty and lifeless without the sun, but the moon balances and comforts the sun. Without the moon, the sun is driven mad. The sun will pursue its lost moon, destroying all in its path. That is why Boruto had chased him down, leaving a wide path of destruction in his effort to retrieve what was lost. Now, Mitsuki never felt alone. He had more friends and he was so close to his Sun, he was beginning to burn and he welcomed the pain. It was all worth it for the pleasure of staying by his side and he vowed never to leave it again.

Boruto wasn't yet convinced of Mitsuki's renewed devotion. He guessed this was why he got anxious every time Mitsuki tried to follow his lead. He supposed it was natural for Boruto to be 'gun-shy' after all he had been through. Having these 'opinions' was the only thing that seemed to soothe his Sun's anxiety. If picking one thing out of a sea of things that didn't matter was what it took to make his Sun feel happy and secure, it was a small price to pay.

The setting of the actual sun broke Mitsuki from his thoughts and adoration. Boruto slowed his pace and hopped from the tree tops to a clearing in the forest. He stretched and yawned as his teammates came to a rest beside him.

"This looks like a good place to stop for the night." Boruto said through his yawn.

"We should keep going. We aren't that far from the village." Sarada grumped, ever the over-achiever.

"Come on, Sarada." Boruto whined. "That will take us another hour. We can rest here and then we'll have the whole day to ask around the village. Besides, I'm hungry." Sarada breathed heavily through her nose and rolled her eyes clearly wanting to argue but was slowed down by Boruto's patented blue puppy eyes of doom. She managed anyway.

"Don't give me that crap, Boruto!" She said, losing patience and not appreciating Boruto's attempt at manipulation. Mitsuki just chuckled at their domestic squabbling. They got along so well, like brother and sister. His quiet mirth drew their attention.

"I'm fine with staying the night here." He supplied, "I saw a stream not far away where we can get some fish for dinner." Predictably, Boruto beamed and Sarada sighed.

A few hours later, they were groggy from food and watching the fire burn low. Sarada announced that it was time to turn in and Mitsuki offered to take first watch. Boruto started to protest but gave it up when Mitsuki smiled.

"Goodnight, Mitsuki." Boruto said affectionately.

"Goodnight, Boruto." Mitsuki watched as he curled up in his blankets and fell asleep almost instantly.

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