Reality and Illusions Part 2

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Mitsuiki's POV

A consistent wet feeling on his arm relieved him. The blood was his own. Boruto's eyes widened with shock and his face paled as he looked at Mitsuki. His mouth opened in a silent scream as he struggled forward on four shaking limbs. For a moment, Mitsuki thought the genjutsu had been broken but then Boruto stopped short and cradled something he couldn't see in his arms. He was muttering under his breath as he stared with unblinking eyes and rocked whatever it was back and forth and back and forth. Boruto was still trapped in the genjutsu's clutches, but now he was close enough for Mitsuki to release it. He went to reach for his suffering Sun but found that he couldn't move. For the first time, he inspected the damage to his body.


Boruto's POV

This was a genjutsu, right? There was no way this was real. Mitsuki wasn't hurt. Mitsuki wasn't dying. None of this was real. It had to all be in his head.

"This is a genjutsu..." He chanted over and over like a prayer to the rhythm of his racing heart. He clung to Mitsuki like a lifeline whose pained groans tore at his very soul. This is fake. It's not real his brain told him again and again but he couldn't do anything except cling to Mitsuki's bleeding body.

"Boruto..." The image of Mitsuki rasped in his arms. Boruto squeezed his already shut eyes tighter and his own body shook as he held Mitsuki tighter. He wouldn't look. He would not watch Mitsuki die. This wasn't real. None of it was real.

A cold hand slick with warm blood touched his face. He couldn't help it. He looked. What he saw looked so real, but it wasn't. It couldn't be. Blood was everywhere. It covered Mitsuki's face, it was matted in his hair. It tricked from his lips. His eyes were glassy as they looked into his...


Mitsuki's POV

The damage wasn't that bad. He would live, at least. The problem was, he couldn't move. The spear had pierced his right shoulder, cut the front of his chest and impaled his left hand before burying itself in the ground. The damage to his chest was superficial at most but he could barely move his right arm and his left was pinned. He focused on Boruto again. He was pale and tears were rolling down his cheeks. He was still muttering under his breath but now Mitsuki could make out what he was saying. It was a chant of This is a genjutsu...This is a genjutsu... repeated over and over. He was within reach, Mitsuki had to remove the genjutsu. He tried forcing his right arm to move more but it just twitched pathetically.

Where was Sarada? He thought she had been following Boruto.

"Chaaaaa!!!" Sarada screamed somewhere behind him answering his question. The ground rocked from the force of her attack loosening the spear slightly as she entered into combat with the rouge ninja. Perfect.

"Sarada! Keep him busy!" Mitsuki yelled over his shoulder as he strained against the spear, working it free. Hold on Boruto, just another minute.


Boruto's POV

No. He would not accept this. He didn't have to because this wasn't real. But then why couldn't he look away? His heart was pounding in his chest but everything was happening in slow motion. Mitsuki was struggling to take another shallow breath, his lips curled with a small but true smile.

Mitsuki The hand on his face grew limp.

Mitsuki The hand started to slide away.

No He wasn't breathing.

NO His eyes were dark.

"NO!!" Pain exploded in his back and side as the now familiar sensation of electrocution burned through his body. Mistuki disappeared from his arms and the oppressive darkness evaporated. There was a hand on his back where the pain had come from. He turned and saw his Mitsuki, bloodied but alive, smiling at him.

"Mitsuki!!!" He shrieked (in what he would later claim was a very manly way) as he dove into Mitsuki's waiting arms. He felt Mitsuki's arms snake around him and hold him in return. "I'm sorry Mitsuki! I'm so sorry! It's all my fault. I... I couldn't... I didn't..." He knew he was babbling but he didn't care. He smashed his lips into Mitsuki's in a sloppy and desperate kiss then buried his face in Mitsuki's neck and squeezed him tight.

"I... I love you! I love you so much! I didn't... I... Wha-" He was cut off by the feeling of damp soaking through his clothes. He pulled away from Mitsuki and really took in his appearance. His left arm was stretched around him but his hand was bleeding freely from a large hole. His right arm hung limply by his side, the stub of something earthy still impaled his shoulder. His clothes were in tatters and his pale skin was criss crossed with cuts. A large gash across his chest was oozing blood.

"What happened to you?!" Boruto asked in dismay as his hands flew from one injury to the next in turn.

"It's ok, Boruto." Mitsuki soothed. Despite his wounds, he was looking at Boruto with his usual affection and awe, "I love you too but maybe we should talk about this later." He said as his body glowed with a soft green aura. Slowly, most of his wounds started to disappear. Oh ya, he forgot he could do that. "Right now, I think Sarada would appreciate our help." For the first time, Boruto looked past Mitsuki as saw that Sarada was currently engaged in battle with the rouge ninja.

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