Part 1

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Hold me tightly

        Akashi Seijuro was undeniably the best person in the world; he had everything. Everything except...a girlfriend. His thoughts often wandered to (F/n), his friend. Then he quickly shakes his head and tries to forget. Tears form in his eyes, and for the first time, he's crying. His body shook uncontrollably as he desperately tried to find comfort, only to find none.

If you're not gone yet

        He rapidly wiped away his tears. He didn't want anyone to see him in this weak, fragile state. The impact (F/n) leaves on him is devastating. The way she smiles captures his heart; the way she does her work so neatly and precisely makes his heart beat faster; the way she talks is like music to him; and seeing you everyday is his motivation to keep living. But now, Akashi, poor emperor-of-the-school Akashi, was sick, thin, and pale-looking. He didn't go to school. His maids went to school to pick up his work. Everyone in the Akashi household did everything possible to help him feel better. Even his father, who rarely ever encouraged him, took the time to try to snap him out of his deep depression.

Please be okay

        (F/n) on the other hand was no better. At the hospital, she was hooked up to IVs, machines, and her face was almost entirely covered by a breathing mask. Her body was thin, pale, frail, fragile...whatever other word possible. Akashi felt that it was his fault. He feels like it was his fault. His fault. His fault that you were targeted. It should've been him, he thought. But if it was him, would (F/n) care as much as he does for her? 

Don't leave me

        "Akashi-sama!" a maid came into his room. The room was kept clean, despite the fact that Akashi was depressed. The maids forced him to shower once every two days now, rather than everyday. Akashi shifted in his chair and looked up at the maid. 
        "Akashi-sama, the hospital has given you permission to see (F/n)-sama." 

Let me see you once more

        Akashi nodded, the maid bowed, and then she left the room. Akashi decided. It was now or never. He stood up, stretched his arms. His arms were losing power. His body was losing power. He was losing power. Slowly, he started walking towards his bedroom door. 

Don't give up; don't give in

        At the hospital, he watched (F/n)'s unconscious form. So peaceful-looking... 
        "(F/n), wake up..." Akashi saw her shift a little. "Please (F/n)...I can't live without empress." His hands were clenched into tight fists.
        In her mind, she could hear his voice. She wanted to respond; her body wouldn't let her. It felt so heavy. She wanted to be with him, but it felt impossible. He was so much better than her, she told herself, yet they were still inseparable. Fate, Midorima had said. That's what it was called. She wanted to wake up, and she tried. It was a battle of her willpower against her current condition. 

Open your eyes

        Akashi swallowed the lump in his throat, and was heading towards the door. He muttered a few choice words under his breath, and opened the door. "(F/n)...please wake up soon. I'm hopeless without you." 
        He took one last peek at (F/n). Still not awake. His heart was being swallowed little-by-little, by the darkness inside of him. And his other self was going to take advantage of it.

* To Be Continued. 

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