Part 3

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Hold me tightly

Don't let go

Please don't leave

I love you so 

If you leave
I will cry
Forever in depression
Until I die

        Life is a breeze now for Akashi. Not because (F/n)'s okay now, but because he gave in to his other self. The real Akashi now sits somewhere deep in his mind, while his other self takes over, and does everything for him. It might be cheating in a way, but Akashi doesn't care at this point. He still has time to make his life perfect. His father hasn't spoken to him since high school started. He attends Rakuzan high, a prestigious high school where only the best students can go. He's the captain of the basketball team, but something's missing...(F/n)'s missing.
        Akashi doesn't need to practice or study, but he does so anyways just to prove himself that he's absolute. He studies for hours, but still plays basketball to stay in shape. He goes horse-back riding, too. All of this extra stuff to do just to keep his mind off of (F/n).

                                                        * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

        ' I?' I open my eyes. The lights are too bright. My eyes finally focus, and I realize, I'm in a room. How long have I been sleeping? My hair looks a lot longer. Maybe he can tell me. I is he now? Does he remember me? 
        I still love him, even after all this time. 
        I want to see him.

                                                        * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

        "Akashi-sama, your breakfast is ready. Also, your father-- Akashi-sama, is back from his business trip and would like to speak with you." The maid waited for Akashi's response. 
        "Thank you. I will go downstairs. You are dismissed, Ryoko." Akashi even knew the names of all the maids and butlers in his house. He knew everything. He is absolute. The maid, Ryoko, curtsied and left. Akashi stood up and walked to the door with his bag, ready to go downstairs for breakfast. Whatever his father had to tell him wasn't important, was it?

                                                         * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

        'Okay, I'm in a hospital...' 
        I should be in high school now. My parents will have picked one for me, right? I do recall my mother telling me long ago that she has plans for me. But then..I can't even remember now. Should I call a doctor...?
        "DOCTOR! SHE'S AWAKE! THE PATIENT IS AWAKE!" The nurse saw me first. I blinked.

                                                         * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

        "Seijuro, I have set up a date for you to meet the girl you are supposed to marry. She is the daughter of a friend of mine's, and like I said before, she excels at academics. The family was finally able to contact me, and you will meet her this weekend."
        "Yes father," came Akashi's automatic response. He couldn't argue with his father now. (F/n) is never going to wake up, so he just gave in to his dark self. But a part of him hasn't given up yet. He finished up his pancakes and orange juice, then picked up his bag. After putting on his shoes, he headed towards the car waiting to escort him.
        "Good morning, Akashi-sama. I will drive you to school today. Are you ready to go?" The butler bowed his head upon Akashi's arrival.
        "Good morning. Let's go then, I'm ready."

                                                          * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

        My parents were called, and I remember a bit more now. I'm (F/n) (L/n), I remembered that before. I love Akashi Seijuro, but last time I heard...he was getting an arranged marriage or something. Too bad...but if he's happy, then I'll be happy too. He's one of my best friends after all. I remember a lot actually. I just don't remember why I fell into a coma like that... My parents told me that I was shot, then stabbed, and my bracelet was stolen, but the police were able to retrieve my money and bracelet. This bracelet is special, changes, depending on Akashi. He gave it to me and told me that sometimes the colour of red changes its shade. But I figured out that it all depends on Akashi. And it looks a lot darker now...what happened to Akashi? I suppose I'll never know, will I?
        I tried standing up, only to lose balance and stumble backwards on to the bed again. The nurse comes back with water, and I realize I'm hooked up to a bunch of things. Scanning my eyes over my body, I'd say it's all healed now. 
                                                  * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
A few hours later...
        Akashi's cell phone rung. Once. Twice. Three times. Fo- He answered. 
        "Akashi-cchi, (F/n)-cchi woke up! Hurry on over!" Akashi stopped in his tracks.
        "...Ryota, are you serious?" Sometimes, it was hard to believe (F/n) and Kise were cousins. Sure, (F/n) was cheery a little, but she could also be dead serious and calm most of the time, since it was necessary.
        "Yep!" Akashi quickly hung up and sprinted towards the car. "To Hospital Hikari." That's all he needed to say to the driver. (F/n). He would finally see her. Maybe. 

* * * To Be Continued. * * * 

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