Part 4

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Hold me tightly

Don't let go

Please don't leave

I love you so 

If you leave
I will cry
Forever in depression
Until I die

Hold me tightly
Stay with me
Together forever
Happy for eternity

The bell rang, and classes were dismissed. Even so, Akashi still had to attend basketball practice. Or, he could skip. Tossing around the thoughts, he decided to go to practice, so that nobody skipped out. 
    "Oi, you over there, you're slowing down too much. Speed it up. And you, you need to improve your accuracy. . ." Akashi went over everything for his team to practice. "Now, go run twenty laps around the school." 
    A few whispers and groans were heard from the team. 
    "Now." With that, everyone, fearing Akashi's soon-to-be-unleashed wrath, went outside and started running laps. "Coach, make sure they practice. I need to go and deal with a few things, so I'll leave early." 
Twenty minutes later, Akashi decided to stop at a nearby café. He walked in, and little did he know, three certain people were watching him. Three guys, one with dark blue hair, one with blond hair, and one with light blue hair. Aomine, Kise and Kuroko watched Akashi come in, order a tea, and then space out. 
    "Oi, Akashi, come join us." Aomine was the first to act. Akashi snapped out of his inner conflict and approached the three of them. "Hello Daiki, Ryota, Tetsuya," Akashi greeted them half-heartedly.
    "Good afternoon, Akashi-kun." Kuroko had the same blank expression.
    "Hi, Akashi-cchi!" Kise smiled, even though he felt slightly intimidated. 
    "I trust you're all doing well, hm...don't forget. The oath that we all swore. Make sure you go all-out in the Winter Cup. I must go now. Bye." They all acknowledged his farewell and Akashi picked up his tea at the counter. 

After walking out of the café, Akashi made up his mind. He called his driver.
    Akashi was finally going to see (F/n). It had been so long. It had to have been at least half a year. 

Upon arriving at the hospital, Akashi climbed out of the car, and looked at the driver. "I'll call you when I want to go home." And with that, Akashi turned around and headed towards the entrance.
    "...(L/n) (F/n)-san is in Room 7, on the second floor, in the Rehabilitation Unit." Akashi nodded and was about to leave, but the receptionist stopped him for a moment. She asked, "Are you related to her?" Somewhere in his mind, Akashi wanted to say, "yes, she's my girlfriend," but he couldn't bring himself to do so. 
    "She's a very close friend of mines." The receptionist nodded her head in approval and Akashi looked around for an elevator, or a staircase. He found the elevator right away, and pushed the button to call it down. While he waited, he saw a couple holding hands and smiling. Takao Kazunari and his girlfriend, and Midorima was there too, and what Akashi assumed were Takao's girlfriend's parents. Ironic how it was accident after accident. 
    The elevator finally opened and Akashi walked in, oddly feeling a bit stronger. Each step he took made him feel stronger. When he finally arrived, he stood outside the door, contemplating on how to go in. Should he knock? Or just go in? What would he say to her after so long?

"Does Seijuro still even care about our friendship?" (F/n) was talking with (Best friend's name). Akashi paused outside the door. His other self was completely calm, but his true self was struggling to break free.
    "I'm sure he still cares about you. Hehe~ Maybe he loves you too! Don't think I don't see that love and tension in the air, (F/n)~!" (Best friend's name) teased. 
    "...I wish, but...remember how my mom arranged that marriage for me? I still dunno who's the dude I'm going to marry..." Akashi's true self heard this, and his eyes widened. He didn't know why he was so surprised if he knew he couldn't marry (F/n) anyways, because of his arrangement.

"That's true, but ya know, I think that your parents will realize that you and Seijuro are better off together. Don't worry about it! Another piece of advice, go tell Seijuro-san you love him, even if it might ruin the friendship. I'm sure it won't though, because he'll totally accept!" (Best friend's name) was quite figuratively a ball of gleaming sunshine. She was also a huge optimist, with (F/n) being the pessimist. Opposites attract, right?
    "How are you so sure? He'll probably reject me and say he loves someone else. Besides, he has an arranged marriage with someone it's best to not ruin anything, right?" (F/n) was mentally breaking down. She wanted to be with Akashi, but her parents and his dad probably didn't want them together. It broke her heart to know that Akashi would spend his life with another woman in a few more years.

Akashi knocked on the door. He stepped in, and saw (F/n) and (Best friend's name) in the room. But he wanted to talk with (F/n) alone. (F/n)'s eyes widened as she looked at the male before her. 
    "A-Akashi-kun?!" It slipped out of her mouth quicker than she could take it back. Akashi flinched mentally, hearing her say his last name instead of his first name. (F/n) took note of how Akashi didn't talk; he just walked up to her. (Best friend's name) took this as the signal to slip out of the room, unnoticed. 
    Akashi approved of (Best friend's name) leaving and closing the door, as he leaned in closer to (F/n). "It's Seijuro. Not Akashi." He stepped back a bit, and then turned to sit on the chair near the bedside. 
    "Seijuro...what did I miss?" 
    "Well..." And then, he started explaining. 

"So, that's what happened..." Someone knocked on the door. The door opened and the doctor came in.
    "Hello, I am doctor Fumiko." She smiled, then added, "and now I will determine if you're going to leave the hospital today."

* * * To Be Continued. * * * 

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