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Your eyes felt heavy.
Your ears was filled with the sounds of a hospital monitor beeping.
You began moving your fingers, slowly.

Your eyes starts to open, breathing heavily. You looked around the room as if looking for something.

Looking down at your hand. You saw a small diamond ring on your finger.

So small, so simple, so lovely

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So small, so simple, so lovely.

You sat up, as you did it caused a needle to rip of your arm, making you Yelp in pain. Soon a monitor went off making loud sounds.

Doctors ran to your room.
Turning off the monitors the doctors started to ask you questions.

"Good morning, do you remember who you are?" He asked.

"Why am I here?" You asked.

"Please ma'am... what is your name?" He asked.

"Y/n L/n" you said.

"Do you remember anything before this?" Asked the doctor.

"N-no... I can't remember anything" you said.

"Well, it's confirmed that you have amnesia... you where in a car crash just a few days ago, luckily your husband brought you in time... you where bleeding out" he said.

"I'll call your husband, let him know your awake" he said.

As you sat back, your mind started to settle in.

'My husband? I'm married?' You thought as you looked back down at the wedding ring.

You couldn't remember anything, how bad was the crash?

After an hour or so, the doctor returned with someone behind him.

He was tall, he wore all white, a black turtleneck, white hat, and with eyes of most beautiful teal color.

His body was well built and he was handsome, his hair was black as the night, his thick eyebrows with the angry look, he was attractive.

The soft full lips, you just blushed at the sight of him.

'Is that... my husband?' You thought.

"Y/n, your husband is here" said the doctor.

"It's actually fiancé.." the man corrected.

Even his voice was enough to make your legs feel weak.

"Right, I'll leave you too alone, I'll be back with her medication and you're all set to go home tonight" said the doctor.

Leaving the room, your fiancé sat at the edge of the bed as he removed his hat.

"Hay.. how are you doing?" He asked softly.

"Well... I can't remember anything before this" you said worried.

Your fiancé smirked.
"Don't worry, we'll make new memories" he said.

You smiled.
"Yeah... so.. may I know the name of my fiancé?" You said.

You can tell he loved the way you said it.
He loved the fact that you called him your fiancé, the way it rang.

"Kujo, Jotaro Kujo" he said.

"Jotaro huh? Well ok Jotaro, where do you work? How did we meet?" You asked. He smiled.

"How about we save that for tomorrow?" He said.

You were excited to start your new life with him, starting over again with someone so kind, so sweet, so attractive.

Mine (Jotaro Kujo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now