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After texting Nora

You started your search for the perfect wedding dress.

You found 3 dresses that you just couldn't pick between.

(Leave a comment telling me which dress you like most)

(Leave a comment telling me which dress you like most)

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Dress 1
The mermaid lace dress.

Dress 2 The simple but elegant And finally

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Dress 2
The simple but elegant
And finally

Dress 3The over the top, stunning princess dress

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Dress 3
The over the top, stunning princess dress.

(the dress with the most picked will be your wedding dress the day of)

Later you started to look for ideas for your wedding.
Keeping in mind Jotaro wants a beach wedding.

After 2-3 hours looking for ideas, you heard something outside your window.

Looking out you see a garbage truck down the street.

You looked at the small trash bin in your room you see that it's full.
You decided to grab a big black bag and throw in the trash, you did the same for the bathroom, and the kitchen.

Quickly going outside to throw the trash away.

Getting back inside the house, you felt like you had nothing to do.

Going to the living room, you see Jotaros pillow and small blanket on the couch.

Picking it up, you took the pillow back on the bed where it belonged.

You cleaned the living room and did your bed.

Soon, you walked down the hallway to head back to your room then something caught your eye.

Looking up you see a little door that leads to the attic.

"We have an attic?" You thought.

You jumped to grab the string and pulled down the door, soon a ladder extended.

Going up, it was dark. You couldn't see a thing, you tried to look for a light somewhere inside, but you never did.

Soon your eyes adjusted to the dark.
Looking around, you see old boxes.

Crawling around in the dark, you see a box with your name.

It was from college.
"Oh! Wow! It's my college days!" You said as you opened the box, opening it. You see it's just filled with clothing.

Though, the more you looked, the clothing was just bra and underwear.

"Huh... ok" you said.
You were guessing you just had boxs
of just lingerie.

Soon you looked into more boxes.
You found one unnamed. You were curious about it.

Opening it, you found trophies.

"Oh would you look at that!" You said.
One of the trophies had a runner on it.

It was a track team trophies.

"Jotaro must have had join" you said.

Soon you heard a loud sound scaring you.
You sat there for a minute, listening for something, Anything, nothing.

You heard nothing, so you continued looking at the trophies.

Something caught your eye.
The name on it.

"Kingston?" You read out loud.

Soon you felt something pull on your leg, dragging across the floor and out of the attic.

Now out of the attic you were blinded by the bright light.
Soon enough your eyes re-adjusts to the light to see Jotaro.

"What the hell where you doing up there?!" He yelled angry.

"I was just cleaning the house, then I found the attic" you said.

"Why didn't you tell me I had old clothes from college up there" you told him.

His eyes widened when you mentioned it.
He looked like he wanted to yell at you again, but he didn't.

He simply tied the string to make it shorter, making you unable to reach it anymore.

"There's no need for you to go up there" he said.

"Come on, it's late" he said.
"Hop in the shower with me before we go to bed" he said.

"O-oh ok..?" You said softly.

He lowered himself to your ear and whispered.
"I missed you"

Going to the bathroom with him, you stated the water.

"You go in, I'll get us towels" he said.
You listened, as you warmed up the water you started to get undressed.

Getting underneath the warm water, you hear Jotaro close the bathroom door and get in with you.

As he hugged you from the back, he softly kissed your neck.

You giggled.
"So how was your day?" You asked him.

"It was fine, made sure the animals were ok" he said

-hot steamy shower-

As you wrapped a towel around your hair, you started to dry off your body with the second towel.

as the both of you go into your room, you opened your closet and changed into a small night gown.
Jotaro had a simple gray shirt and black boxers.

Getting underneath the sheets, you curled yourself into his arms. Resting your head on his chest, you felt his soft breathing as your head moved up and down.

A few minutes in, the both of you feel asleep in each other's warmth.

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