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So, did you ask for a lemon chapter?


Well too late!

After he proposed, the two of you ate your dinner and talked more.

You asked questions about the past and it did fill in the holes a little bit even though you still didn't remember.

The day of the car crash.
You and Jotaro where just returning from a dinner in which he proposed to you with the small diamond ring.

On the road home Jotaro took the wrong turn which made the car ride longer than it was supposed to. The two of you where In a small black car, Then you got hit by a large truck from the back.

It completely shattered the back of the car. Jotaro said that you weren't wearing a seatbelt at the time because you wear taking off your heels. And when the cash happened, it made you fly up and hit the front glass of the car.

Then he took you to the hospital, you were out for a few days, and now, you're living the life with him.

Now returning home, Jotaro pulled up on the drive way.

Getting inside the house, you went up stairs to change form your dress.
Getting inside the closet, you wanted to surprise Jotaro.

Sure he might still be somewhat of a stranger, but you really do have a strong connection with him.

And though you have no memory of the best times, your willing to experience everything with him to the fullest.

You pulled the night gown out and quickly put it on

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You pulled the night gown out and quickly put it on.

As you changed out, you noticed Jotaro hasn't come up the stairs yet.
Wondering why, you looked down stairs to see what was holding him up.

Checking, you see that jotaor was fixing his bed on the couch.

"Hun? What are you doing?" You asked walking down the stairs.

He was busy fixing his bed on the crouch to see you.
"I'm getting ready to sleep on the couch, what dose it look like?" He said.

As he turned to face you, he didn't expect you to be in a cute outfit.

"Do you like it?" You asked smiling.

This time he's hat was off, so you could see him blush lightly.

"Yeah, it's nice on you" he said.

You bit your lower lip as you slightly pushed him back on the couch.
Making him sit.

Jotaro was surprised by your actions, but you knew he loved it.

Getting on top, you sat on his lap as you kisses his lips softly.

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